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*Your LOVE increased.

*Your LOVE increased.

*Your LOVE increased.

Error bolted up out of his bed, the eerie whisper haunting the back of his mind with a hateful and harsh tone. It seemed to echo around the room for a moment before the small chittering of the spider on his bed caught his attention. The large arachnid's chelicerae rubbed together as it seemed to tilt its head at its friend's state of panic.

The prince only sighed, trying to shake the slight fear to the back of his mind. He felt unhappy, sour even... he didn't want to leave his bed. The large spider let out another chitter before crawling up towards his owner, it's two front pedipalps gently patting the glitchy skeleton's face. Error sighed, smiling a little as he reached out to rub his hand over the fovea to which a large arachnid leaned towards his hand. After a few moments of petting, Webs let out a small noise before climbing onto Error and slowly getting comfy in the dip between the prince's ribcage and pelvis.

Error laughed, able to feel the little claws tap his side through the blanket that covered him. Webs chittered before closing its eyes and the prince couldn't help but smile, he always felt special when Webs decided to sleep with him instead of in it's webbing on the other side of the room. The thirteen year old prince finally allowed his eyes to slip shut again, drifting back to sleep where he was greeted by a dreamless, peaceful slumber.

When Error woke up, he woke to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. More accurately, a bird had been caught in his trap. Error sat up slowly causing Webs to fall off his side and fumble to the other side of the bed. The large spider let out a loud hiss of disdain, it's chelicerae rubbing together as it watched Error slip out of bed, grabbing the round and red glasses from the bedside table before slipping them on. It was as if the spider knew what was coming though because the spider slipped itself out of Error's bed, crawling over to its web that sat in the furthest corner from the door.

The prince let out a tired yawn, slowly opening his window to see a sparrow wrapped tightly in a string bound trap. It's wing was snared, bent the wrong way and quite possibly dislocated or broken. Error sighed, pulling the poor bird over, gripping it carefully so it couldn't escape as he untied it from the trap.

The bird's feathers were fluffed up with fear, shaking in the skeleton's hold before Error frowned as he pulled the last of the trap away. He moved back to his bed with the bird in hand causing Webs to tilt its head with soft confusion, what was with its owner today.

The prince looked to his pet before looking down back to the bird, his phalanges gently petting the doomed Sparrow's head. The bird seemed to calm from its shock, slowly settling into confusion as Error frowned to himself. "You don't have to die... do you?"

The bird didn't respond but Webs did, the large spider let out a tiny hiss mixed purr before it crawled from its web to its owner's bed. The prince only spared it a glance, a frown edging deeper as he continued to pet the bird. "You just lost a chance or made a poor decision, you didn't want to get caught, did you?" No response. Error gently moved a finger to rub it under the bird's beak. "Fate really is cruel... so is Life. They're the reason you're in this situation, so don't blame Death. He's taking you off to a better place, somewhere you'll be safe and without worry."

The prince stood up slowly and Webs chittered again, crawling back to its web before Error tossed the bird into the webbing. The poor creature struggled only to become more ensnared by the second, trapped in sticky webbing with no way out. Webs let out a purr at the sight of food in its web, crawling towards the bird before sinking it's fangs into the sparrow's tiny body. The prince didn't watch his spider take the meal, moving back towards his window to set the trap once again which was relatively easy to do after doing it so many times.

As Webs fed in the corner, Error took his time to get dressed. He slipped out of his pajamas before tossing on his normal outfit that he would admit probably needed to be clean, the sight of dust clinging to his cropped leather jacket being a big motivator. He only sighed, slipping on his warm, red turtleneck and his jeans with a small hum. He grabbed his leather jacket that he had worn since he was a small child, gently dusting the jacket off before slipping it on with a small scowl. He turned his attention back to his bed, looking at the scarf that was wrapped around the bedpost before gently pulling the fabric away and wrapping it around his neck, folding it into a careful tuck.

Once happy with the fold in his scarf he began his day, opening the door to the hall. He casted a small glance towards his pet that was busy webbing its meal and he forced a tiny smile before walking out. He didn't understand why he felt so tired, everything just seemed dull and depressing. Maybe it was all the activity from yesterday... he shook his head, he didn't want to think about yesterday.

If he could avoid it entirely, he would, his head still had a slight ache from the sheer amount of tears he spilled yesterday. He silently wondered if his dad was mad at him, mad that he couldn't finish the AU off. That job had been left to Nightmare, Error could barely bring a hand to hurt someone after his LV raised to six. His dad had only told him that it would get easier with time, that eventually, he may learn to like it. The thought of getting enjoyment out of that almost made him sick but his dad always had a point to things...

He shook his head again, trying to clear his thoughts. He was thinking about this too much, they're just pieces of code... just like him... he was just code. Another head shake. What was he thinking, he wasn't just code! He has a family and people who love him! But then again... they did too.

The prince began to frown, hugging himself slightly as he finally exited the hall. His mismatched eyelights locked on in front of him, the sight of his older brother and father conversing in the living room over a few drinks of what Error could assume was his dad's strawberry vodka and Cross's favored chocolate milk. Error was a chocolate lover himself, but chocolate milk revolted him. He inwardly gagged at the sight of it, coming up behind the couch to head to the kitchen.

"I can't believe the future captain of the royal guard, my right hand man, is drinking chocolate milk of all things." Error joked, trying to distract himself from the onslaught of dreaded memories filled with blood and dust.

His dad casted him a glance, that single cyan eyelight seeming to push right through his facade but if he sensed something he didn't mention it. Cross only gasped in mock hurt, glaring at his younger brother with the slightest hint of a sneer on his face. "Much better than the crap you drink!"

"Hey, don't you dare make fun of my apple juice!" Error snapped back, huffing before he slipped into the kitchen. He heard Cross laugh, smiling a little as he made his breakfast and snagged a box of apple juice from the fridge. When he returned, the sight of Killer coming into the living room made him laugh. Dust was following behind him, nudging his shin to keep him moving until Killer was close enough to flop onto the soft cushions. In Dust's arms was Horror, the seven year-old squirming in his hold until he was set down.

Error claimed his spot on the couch, smiling a bit as his youngest brother stared up at him with a bright expression. "R..Ru! Will you come check the trapies with us?

Horror looked at him with pure excitement but Error couldn't help but frown, "Not today Roro, I'm going to be with X today."

"But I don't have any plans for today, Ru?" Cross mumbled, causing a look of confusion from Error.

The prince hums, shoving a forkful of hashbrowns in his mouth. "Thought you wanted to go down to that dog breeder and look at the puppies."

Cross perked at the remindal, smiling brightly to himself. "I completely forgot! Sorry Horror, guess I'm stealing Ruru today. You can have him next time, okay?"

The little one nodded, his smile brightening a little as Error seemed to relax with a smile at the idea of not having to deal with more possible deaths today. "It's otay X... bring back Ru biggest catch ever."

Error chuckled, gently patting Horror's skull, careful of the gaping hole. "I look forward to that, Ro."

There was a moment of silence before Nightmare spoke up causing a few of his boys to erupt into small fits of laughter. "I expect you boys not to bring a puppy home, we already have wolves living among us."

"Aw come on, Boss Man, you're papa wolf if anything." Killer spoke up, pulling out more laughter. Nightmare rolled his eyes before letting out a small 'woof', finally gaining giggles from his entire family.

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