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The loud crying in the early day of the morning awoke the king soundly from his slumber. His body tired and eye drooping. Oh yes... Error was hungry.

Nightmare sat up carefully, yawning lazily as he pushed the covers off. "Good morning Ruru..." The king rubbed his eye, walking towards the crib that sat by the wall.

The small skeleton's eyes landed on his caretaker and he quieted down. Nightmare chuckled. He lifted Error from his crib carefully, holding him to his chest. Or he wasn't hungry, Nightmare mused, he just wanted to be held again. The king was fine with that.

He continued to hold Error close to him, walking out of his room. His servants, well caretakers as he called them, they chose to work for him after all, were bustling about. Few were cleaning and he could smell food coming from the kitchen. It made him smile. He was grateful for their kindness towards him.

As he walked through the halls he was greeted by those he passed, a few cats who lived here to chase out pest running through the halls. This place had become so lively and he loved it, even while the positivity drained him, he was still able to gather negativity from other AUs faintly.

Nightmare stopped at what would be considered a living room. He took a seat in his normal chair, leaning back. He glanced to Error who had fallen back asleep without problem, the little skeleton snoring silently as he nestled against Nightmare.

The king relaxed, gently rubbing Error's back. He smiled, glancing towards the entrance to meet eyes with his nurse who smiled at him. "Calen... good morning."

"Good morning your majesty... it seems Error has yet to wake?" Calen smiled at them both, kneeling in front of Nightmare.

The king chuckled, "He woke me up just to be held, I don't mind though... I enjoy spending time with him."

Calen nodded, she'd taken easy notice in the past year that Error has been at the castle. "I'll say, you hardly leave him on his own."

"I want him to be safe you know... besides... I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing with it comes to taking care of him." Nightmare sighed, gently rubbing Error's head.

"Oh?" The goat monster giggled softly, "Well, I think you're doing a great job as a father."

Nightmare sputtered a bit, "T..Thank you Calen."

Calen nodded, standing back up. "You're heading to that cafe, yes? You haven't been there in almost three years."

Nightmare nodded, slowly getting up, waking up Error in the process. "Yes I am, it'll be nice to be there again, besides, Error will enjoy it."

"Well I suggest you go get dressed your majesty, you're still in your pajamas." Calen giggled, leaving the king slightly blushing. Ah yes, his 'I slept in because of my hangover' pajama shirt prominent to the inhabitants of the castle.

He sighed, playing it off. It was a comfy shirt after all, besides, he knows a few monsters under him that have definitely done the same. Not like he cared though, they could do as they pleased as long as they got work done.

Error yawned, catching Nightmare's attention. "Hah, good morning Ruru. Finally decided to wake up?"

Error only cooed, reaching for Nightmare's tendril. The king chuckled, giving Error the slimy appendage to which the little skeleton immediately began to teeth on. Nightmare grinned slightly, walking back to his room with a small smile.

As soon as he entered the room, he grabbed the blanket from his bed and placed it on the floor by the bathroom. He carefully placed Error onto the blanket, who's only protest was to whimper at the loss of the only touch he enjoyed.

King's Heir (A Dadmare fic)Where stories live. Discover now