19. Just a sick day

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Zeref Pov.

Mavis was sick for the rest of the weekend, so with her parents still away I looked after her. I wouldn't say I'm the best ugh, nurse, or whatever. I did try my best to help her out though, but the good thing is her parents are coming back home tonight. I can trust them to do a good job taking care of her. Right now I was just reviewing some new school notes with her, as she insisted I take them because she missed school today.

"I don't get algebra. It's useless in everyday life. Does anyone actually enjoy it?" Mavis complained, starring at the two pages of new math notes I brought. She was displeased.

"No, I don't think anyone particularly enjoys math. But you do realize I take AP algebra. It's not quite the same thing you're learning." I tell her, while she continues to glare at the paper.


"It stands for advance placement-"

"I know what it means! It's just not fair! Why do you get to be so smart?" Mavis huffs, questioning me. Honestly, I wasn't always the best student. I slacked off until the incident (yeah yeah that thing ruining my life again. Repetitive story. I got it.) I rolled my eyes. When you have nothing better to do, study. It surprisingly helps. With so much free time on my hands I got into some good work habits, and I some how found myself at the front of the class with top grades.

"Anyway it's approaching 8:30, I'm going to make my way home. Your parents said they'd be back around 9:00." I informed her. Mavis watched my get up from the floor, frowning.

"What? Really? Can't you stay for dinner? My parents wouldn't care, except maybe my dad. He can be a bit overprotective-" Mavis began, I laughed. Glad to hear I was welcome.

"I wish I could. Honestly, soup still beats microwave meals. But I told my aunt I wouldn't be out long." I said, grabbing hold of the door handle.


"So, I stayed here for what? Two hours? I think I already past the time I should of stayed." I admitted, I guess I just didn't want to leave. I am going to miss staying at a nicely heated house, with home cooked meals, and proper door locks. What I'm going to miss most is, clearly, spending the evenings with Mavis. There's something comforting about another presence sharing the night with you.

"Aw, ok then." She pouted, "But when I'm feeling better you owe me a date!"

"Obviously, don't even worry about that. I'll find a great place." I smiled, waving good bye.

Mavis Pov.

It sucks not having Zeref around anymore, I liked having him here. Ok, more than liked. But it will be nice seeing my parents again. I hope they had an ok visit.

I still felt terrible, my cold worsened. My stomach was hurting like hell, but it couldn't last much longer. Sicknesses never do for me.

I went to the kitchen to prepare some tea for my sore throat. Grabbing also milk and honey. I liked my tea sweet. Extra sugar never hurts in my mind! I let the warm liquid soothe me. Mmm, nice.

Making my way back to the couch where I spent the last few hours of my day. I did nothing productive, I was being completely lazy. It didn't bother me either! Relaxing is quite a gift.

I lay myself down, closing my eyes, the tea cup warming the palms of my hands. I thought about the night under the tree in the park. I knew looking back on the memory would only make me feel foolish and blush madly, but I did it anyway. The scene was just so, comforting to me. A place in my mind where I could find peace.

My head then trailed off thinking about Zeref's hands. They did get warmer, I could tell. The real debate though is, am I overthinking this? Or not? He's frozen, he's like ice. But maybe... I'm a fire. And fire can melt ice when they're close together. I smiled at the thought of that. Thawing a frozen heart. Nah, that can't be it. I was just fantasizing again.

The door to my house opened, and I looked upon my mom and dad.

"You're back!" I yelled in my hoarse voice. They were quick to pick up on the fact that I was sick. Fetching me heating bags, chicken noodle soup, and plenty more blankets. I feel a big spoiled by their concern.

As my dad went to get some of my favourite movies from my room, my mom gave me a sly smile. Oh no, what is it?

"So, what happened while we were away?" She asks, wanting to know eagerly. I sighed.

"If your looking for some juicy story you're not getting one." I told her instantly. She laughed at me.

"I know, I know, you and Zeref are just friends." She said in a light tone. I looked down at my feet feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Well, actually," I interrupted, "We're dating now."


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