Urgent Calls

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I wasn't sure whether something happened at Nash and Kennedy's but ever since we left Mitch had been unusually affectionate and attentive. I wasn't complaining, believe me. I loved it. I was just a bit surprised.

Nash's driver had taken us home and Mitchell had made sure the car dropped me off first, even though that was out of the way for him. Jackson didn't come along at all. His excuse was that he was going to catch the end of the game at the sports bar by Mitchell's apartment. I wasn't sure if that was code for him meeting someone, or if he was actually going to the bar, but I didn't care either way. I loved the fact that I got Mitch to myself, even if it was just for a short car ride.

Always a gentleman, Mitch opened the car door and held it open for me, allowing me to enter ahead of him. Once we were seated next to each other he took my hand into his and held it the entire way to my apartment. I kind of loved it. It was relatively innocent, and not something I was used to, but kind of romantic, and my body seemed to approve. I started to feel tingly all over.

Once the car pulled up in front of my apartment building, Mitch gave my hand a quick squeeze and kissed my cheek goodbye. Again, polite and innocent behavior, but enough to get my blood pumping faster. If I would've been more comfortable with where we stood with each other, I would've made a move. Mitch was a beautiful man, in all aspects, but at that moment it was his physical attributes I thought of. But I needed him to be ready, and I felt it was his turn. I was ready to take our relationship to the next step - who am I kidding, I'd been ready for a while - but I needed him to be there as well. I didn't want to force myself on him.

After a restless night with a lot of tossing and turning and quite a few sexually aroused fantasies - and not very innocent may I add - about the tall, blond, hockey player, I finally fell into a deep sleep right before the alarm went off. I was tired, grumpy, and sexually frustrated.

I'd never been so thankful for the coffee machine Kennedy had given to me when she came back from California as I was that morning. I programmed a large cup, took a quick shower, dressed in a pair of comfy yoga pants and a long red tunic, and left for work with my to-go cup.

Mitch began to text me shortly after 6 am. I wasn't supposed to be on my phone at work, but since I was decorating hundreds of cupcakes that were to be used for some kind of fundraiser, I didn't think it mattered too much. It wasn't like my hands were covered in flour or dough.

We texted back and forth and made plans to get together for dinner on Thursday. The Empires had a home game on Wednesday - which I would be watching with Kennedy in her apartment - and then the team was leaving for Ohio on Friday morning. Nash was already stressing about that, so I had promised him I'd spend my entire weekend with Kennedy. Except for the few hours I had to go to work because I did have one cake order for a Sunday anniversary party, but Jackson would be around for that.

I had just handed off the boxes with all the cupcakes to the delivery guy when my phone rang. I dove for it, worried that it was Kennedy. But it wasn't. It was Mitch, which surprised me since we'd been texting all morning.

"Hey, stranger," I answered.

"Sammy," he said in a tone I'd never heard him use before. It sounded desperate and I was instantly worried and on alert.

"What's wrong?" I asked at the same time as I removed the hairnet from my head. I just knew something was up and I'd need to leave.

"It's time. Kennedy is on her way to the hospital."

"Oh my god," I stopped in the middle of the room. "Is she okay, I mean is there something wrong with her?"

"No, her water broke."

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