It's a Date

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I didn't get to see Sammy again after I left her bed early on Wednesday morning until Thursday afternoon because of the hockey game. Waking up in her warm bed to her soft kisses on my bare back had been a great way to start the day, even though it was at an ungodly hour.

We had a cup of coffee together in her kitchen before I ordered us a car. It was pitch black outside and I wanted to make sure Sammy got to work, so I had the driver drop her off on the way back to my apartment, despite her insisting that she could walk. I knew she could - and that she did most days - but I liked to know that she was safe.

Sammy spent Wednesday evening with Kennedy and baby Ethan. They had just gotten home from the hospital a few hours before Nash had to be at the arena. He was a complete mess, and I had seen him messed up before. This was, however, different. He wasn't drinking and fighting this time, and I could understand that it must be difficult to be away from his brand new family. He kept checking his phone like he was waiting for some kind of disaster to occur.

"Nash," I said when he picked it up for the third time in just a couple of minutes. "Sammy is with them. Your parents are flying in. I think they're good, man."

"I know." He sighed and closed his eyes for a second. I could see the concern all over his face.

"She must be too busy to text you," I told him and gestured towards his phone. "She's probably hanging out on the couch with a cup of tea, telling Sammy all about him."

Kennedy and Sammy had spent a lot of time on Nash's couch drinking tea during Kennedy's pregnancy.

That made him smirk, even if it was a small one.

"Because she won't be talking about you anymore," I teased. "You'll be second best from now on."

He chuckled because he knew I was right.  

"It's just a game. Then you can go home to them. Just a few hours."


Nash rubbed his hands over his face and exhaled loudly before he got to his feet to get ready. I didn't bring up the fact that we were traveling this weekend. He knew that of course.

"Reed," Bryce yelled from the other side of the room. "Congrats, man!"

That put a smile back on Nash's face although it didn't completely remove the worried one.

"Thanks, Bryce."

The rest of the team joined in. There were shouts of congratulations, a lot of handshakes and back slapping, as well as advice from some of the fathers on the team. By the time we took the ice Nash seemed to be a little bit more in control.

We won the game without me re-injuring the shoulder which I was thankful for. Nash was all over the place, and not necessarily in a good way, but even with that, he managed to score a goal and get one assist. They weren't the prettiest ones, but that doesn't matter, only the points do.

Nash was one of the first players off the ice and I've never seen him get ready any quicker in my life. He was showered and dressed by the time most guys were getting into the showers. He said goodbye and was halfway out the door when he stopped and turned back around. "You," he grinned as he pointed straight at me. "Don't think I've forgotten. We're going to have a conversation this weekend."

I didn't bother responding because I knew what was coming. He was going to question me about Sammy. I was kind of surprised he'd waited this long.


I picked Sammy up at her apartment in the late afternoon on Thursday. Due to her work schedule going out to dinner with her was like catching the early bird specials. Unless she took a nap first, but I didn't want that. I'd missed her.

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