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Kennedy had let it slip to Nash that Sammy was flying down over the weekend to surprise me. Nash didn't exactly tell me about it, but he hinted and made some suggestions until I figured something was going on. When I admitted I thought proposing to Sammy on the beach would be a good idea, the next time she was in town, he confessed what he knew.

After that, Nash got very invested and set a plan in motion. He got Jackson to go to my apartment and get the ring out of my dresser. He wrapped it into a larger package so nobody could tell that it was a jewelry box, and then he dropped it off at Sammy's work so she could bring it down here under the cover that it was something Kennedy needed for the business.

Jackson sent both me and Nash proof in the form of a picture. The package looked more like a thick book wrapped up in brown paper, then any kind of jewelry box.

"Nice work," I responded. "Appreciate the help, former roomie."

"Good luck. Don't mess it up," came his instant reply.

I must have looked a bit mortified because Nash just shook his head and said, "you won't."

We needed to clue Kennedy in on the change of plans, since Sammy was supposedly bringing her something from Jackson that she needed for the advisement business they were running together. But Nash and I agreed to wait until the last minute, so she wouldn't make another mistake and tell Sammy we'd turned the tables on her surprise.

"So, what's the plan from now on?" Nash asked me when Kennedy took Ethan into the bedroom to feed him and put him down for a nap.

I chuckled, and he gave me his questioning, raised eyebrow look.

"You sound like Kennedy. Since when are you a planner?"

"Don't be a jackass. You're only planning on doing this once, right?"

"Yes. Of course."

"So, let's make sure YOU get it right," he responded and followed that with an elaborate eye roll, which was pretty impressive, although not quite on Sammy's level.

"I was thinking I'd show her the area once she gets here. I'll take her up to the beach and over to the house. Maybe I'll order some food, or make like a picnic."

"Ah, a picnic is a good idea," Nash agreed. "They love that shit."

I nodded. I should be able to get something together. Sammy would get in until after six.

"Maybe we'll stay over at the house. That could be pretty cool. Give her a chance to really explore the entire house."


"I'll have to pick up some blankets and pillows, but it could work."

Nash smiled, and not the cocky grin. "I think she'd love that. It would be something specials for the both of you. The beginning of your story."

I felt myself choke up.

He got it, of course. Why wouldn't he? He was more familiar with me than anyone else. Well, maybe except for Sammy. She knew sides of me he never would.

I nodded in response, because the emotions were a bit on overload. Everything suddenly felt so real.

"Let's go clean up the place while Kennedy's getting Ethan situated. She can join us over there once he wakes up."


We had both purchased the houses "as is", and gotten the keys on Wednesday morning. So far, we'd had several inspections done, and had the construction crew Howard recommended look things over. My house, or I should probably say Sammy's and my house, needed more work than Nash and Kennedy's.

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