Family Drama

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The news had broken that I was back in town, but so far the media had stayed away. People waved and cheered for us as me, Nash and Bryce went for a morning run. I took them through my old routine, the one I did every day before I left for college. We ran past open fields, through town and over to the high school where we stopped and did some pushups and some light stretching, and then ran back to the hotel.

"Damn," Nash sighed when we reached the parking lot. "That felt good."

"Yeah." I took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh air. I loved New York City, but there was something about the fresh, clean air in Michigan.

"What's the plan for today?" Bryce asked as he stretched one of his long legs out in front of him.

And just like that, the relaxed, happy feeling was gone, and I was once again filled with dread. It was time to deal with the family.

"I need to go by the house."

Nash nodded and Bryce switched legs. I tilted my head back and sighed. I wasn't looking forward to another confrontation, but they were my siblings, and I hadn't even seen Maria yet. If there was a chance that we could work everything out, I needed to try. Then we could all go back home.

Nash sat down on a bench next to the front door of the hotel and looked up at me. "When do you want to go?"


"Yeah, I'm going with you," Nash said before I could even ask him to. He had that serious look in his eyes too, so I knew it was nonnegotiable.

"An hour or so."

"Yeah, that's good. I'm think we should just go, me and you. Your brother already met Sammy, and he might be intimidated if all of us go."

I looked over at Bryce. "You don't have any complaints about that, right?"

"No," Bryce snorted with a grin. "That's fine by me. I was actually thinking of trying to find a sports store."

"There is a little on in town, but if there is something you need that's not basic, you may need to go to the next town over. There is a bigger one there."

"Skates," he responded.


"Yeah, shit. I had to roll my toes last night in the borrowed ones."

Nash chuckled, and I scratched my head in confusion. "Okay, but why do you need skates? You have several pairs at home."

"Yeah, but we're going back, aren't we? If we're gonna stay here another couple of days, don't you want to go back and help those kids?"

Shit. This is why I loved these people. Bryce came off as a hardass, but he really was a softy on the inside.

"Dude," Nash said with a grin. "I like that. Pick up some stuff for me and Mitch, too."

"Done. Can I take your car?"

"Why don't you take mine?" I suggested. "That way, Kennedy and Sammy have the car that already has the car seat."

"Damn, Mitch, you're good at this thing," Nash chuckled. "Ready to try out this dad thing soon?"


He laughed and rose to his feet. "Alright, brother," he said and slapped a big hand on my shoulder. "I'm gonna shower. I'll meet you down here in an hour."


"I'll come with you and get the keys," Bryce said as we got up and headed for the elevator. "Text me what you want from the store. Oh, and the sizes you need."

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