Chapter 13

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As I ran, I pinpointed where my pack was waiting, they had been messing around the whole time.

Then I decided what I wanted to do. It was time for the cullens to meet my family.

As I thought it, my pack came rushing at me, exited, but a bit nervous and angry. At them.

It's ok I promise- Bella

No it's not. They are assholes- Lucy

I hate to agree with lancy but she's right- max

It's LUCY you idiot!- Lucy

Close enough- Max

Guys this isn't helping- Anna

Enough, let's get moving, you can yell at them, but please not eachother- Bella

They were quiet at that.

I took the lead and started running towards the house I'd once longed to live at. With the family I once thought I had.

We got to the cullen house in record time. I shifted after telling them to shift. Not as an order like Sam, but they trusted me enough to listen. They knew that if they didn't want to, they didn't have to meet the cullens, in human form anyways.

I knew the cullens had to have heard us shift, and wondered if they were still trying to pretend human, for my sake. Of corse, that wasn't necessary, not that it ever was. I'd never been afraid of them, not even when Jasper was lungeing at me.

We all walked to the house, me still in front. Leading.
When we got to the door, it opened. Alice, Of course.

"Hey, I'm back. I can answer some of your questions, now that I'm calm, and my pack is with me." I stated. Then I walked in. The other three following me like lost puppy's 

I seen the rest of the Cullens lounging about in the living room. I would've thought that they had been here for a while if not for the specific way the scene was laid out.

Esme and Carlisle were sitting on the Love seat, Esme leaning on Carlisles shoulder. There was no more room to sit there.
Emmet and Rosalie were on the couch, emmet sitting while Rosalie was laying with her head in his lap, him playing with her hair. No room to sit there.
Jasper was sitting in a cushen chair, where Alice just skipped to sit on his lap. No room to sit there
And lastly, Edward was sitting in a Love seat, the only spot was next to him.

I wouldn't have noticed the obvious set up if I were a human. It was a good try though. They had obviously not been expecting my pack to join us.

"Nice try, but if my pack doesn't get to sit, I don't either." I said casually. They tensed a bit. Heh.

Then I got back to the two reasons I was here. "Ok, first, introductions. This is Anna, Lucy and Max, my pack, and family." I said, pointing to each on as I said there names.

"Fuck you" Max said with a smile, as if asking what they did for fun. I almost laughed. Almost.

The cullens looked a bit shocked. But didn't object.
"You guys are dicks, do you know that? Do you even know what that Eddie did to our Bella? Assholes" Lucy said next. I decided they had to get it out of there systems. Besides, I'd promised they could yell at them when we came.

"You guys really did hurt her, she might be able to forgive you. But it'll be a lot harder to gain out forgiveness. Bella means a lot to us, she is our Alpha, or sister, and family. We don't take kindly to people that hurt our family. And all three of us know, that if we asked, Bella would leave here in a heartbeat. So don't break her heart. She can survive without you." Anna said.

I winced at the part about leaving. I'd leave if they wanted me to. They were mine to protect, to keep safe and happy. Unlike the Quilute wolves, our pack was the strongest bond, not the imprint. But it would hurt a lot to leave.

The cullens looked shocked. Then they glanced at me as if to confirm there words. "My family is right, I am loyal to them, I will not place my loyalty blindly into you guys again. And I do love you guys, but I love my pack more. I am a leader, a leader is meant to protect and care for the ones that look to them, first."

I glared at Carlisle at that one. He was supposed to care for me to. But I suppose he's be more loyal to his family before a human who'd barged into there life's, putting them in danger. It still hurt though.

I sighed "ok I do NOT hate you. I just don't trust you. But trust can be earned" I said, letting them off the hook partly.

"Now, I can answer some of your questions, ask away" I changed the subject.

"Who is Izzy?" Edward said automatically. I rolled my eyes. "Izzy is my wolf, my other half I said.

"What do you mean by war?" Jasper questioned. This time I sighed. "I do not know, all I know is that it is big, and with vampires". I responded.

"How are you a wolf, are you part Quilute?" Carlisle asked curiously. "No, I am not part Quilute, I was chosen, it is not in my blood. I was chosen, then I chose my pack." I said proudly. I had chosen a good pack.

"Chose your pack, how does that work?" Carlisle questioned me again. "I kind of felt a pull, like they would be a good choice. I was right. Then I found them, bit them, and they changed into a wolf." I said as simply as I could.

A few of there eyes widened and they eyed me wearily, specifically Jasper And Rosalie. Now I rolled my eyes, hard, and huffed "I'm not going to fucking bite you" I said, a bit insulted. I was not going to even try to see what would happen. It could be venomous to them.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, the Quilute pack will be joining us if there is a fight" I said casually.




"So am i"

"that's different"

"Whatever you need to tell yourself"

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