Chapter 5

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I knocked about 12 times before Billy answered the door, his face looked empty, it would be hard to get emotions out of him, but it would be worth it if I could have my friends back

Billy looked at me then said coldly "yes Bella, what would you like?" As if he didn't know. "We're is he?" I demand. "He's not here right now" he lied. "Bullshit, we're is Jacob!" I started to get angry, I was shaking. He looked at my shaking frame then his eyes widened and a type of urgency and panic washed through his eyes. "Hey Bella, how about you step outside to cool off" he said slightly panicked.
"I am outside" I said through clenched teeth.

"Well, how about you come back tomorrow, I promise I'll have Jake be here" he was getting more panicked the more I shook, I could feel the heat radiating from off my body. Then I snapped at him "how about you just tell me what's with my friends now!" I shouted angrily.
I felt slightly bad for yelling at him, but why couldn't he just tell me now! I started growling, Billy started looking more panicked. That's when Jacob came back, I started slowly calming down till I was only slightly shaking. Billy acted like it was his first time seeing his son in 20 years, it was weird. "Hey Jacob, how about you take Bella on a walk!" He said cheerfully. What was with this guy.

Jakes face held un expression of confusion but he just nodded and walked out the door. I took that as my que to follow. So that's what I did.

Once we were standing a few feet from the forest Jacob wiped around. "What do you want" he asked annoyed, then i realized how different he looked, he was much more muscular and tall, he also cut his hair... and, got a tattoo? Weird..... "why are you and Leah ignoring me?" I asked hurt. His expression softened for a fraction of a second before turning into the new cold expression. Then I realized that the tattoo he had was the one that Sam and his cult had... No. No. No. He was part of that cult... "Sam got to you" I whispered horrified. He seemed to get angry at that.  "ITS NOT SAMS FUALT, HE'S THE ONE HELPING ME!!!" He shouted angrily. I started shaking again, his eyes seemed to go wide, like Billy's. Then I noticed we were bolth shaking... what the hell did that mean! "THEN WHO THE HELLS FULT IS IT." I shot back. he was back to being just angry. "YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR THAT!" He shouted back, I bet Canada could hear us.... "THE HELL I DON'T." I was now shaking harder. "YOU. DON'T. WANT. TO. KNOW!!!" He spat back. "JUST TELL ME GOD DAMNIT." I was getting impatient.

"YOU ASKED FOR IT." We were both shaking very dramatically now. " THE CULLENS" I started at him in confusion. "YOU KNOW THE FILTHY LEACHES, THAT YOU LOVE SO MUCH, GOD BELLA YOUR SHUCH AN IDIOT, HOW COULD YOU LOVE A BLOOD SUCKING DEMON!!!!!." There was very painful but familiar pang in my chest.             "Go away." I said slowly before walking into the woods and going into a full blown sprint, I was surprised that I didn't trip and fall on my ass. But I had more important things to think about. Like how did he know what they were... the story's.... maybe he's in a vampire hating cult..... wait. The story's. A WOLF. God damit he's a werewolf!

I looked at my body it was starting to burn up, it was also sore, but that was probably just because I was running.

But then I fell over in pain, it felt like my bones we're breaking, wait a minute, I could hear them breaking. WAS I BEING ATTACKED!!! Well Bella that's what happens when you go into the woods. My bones we're breaking and I was screaming for help but all the sudden my screams turned into howls. "What the fuck" I tried to say, but it came out in barks and growls. OK WHAT THE FUCK.

I looked down at my nose, but it was a white dog snout, then I realized I was on all fours, I looked at my feet but they weren't feet... they were paws... OK WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, I THOUGHT JACOB WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE DOG NOT ME!!!! But then I looked at my sides WELL FUCKING GREAT, IVE GOT WINGS NOW. Wait that is actually pretty cool.

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