Chapter 12

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(Sorry for not posting for so long, COVID was tough on my mental health.)

I shifted then ran. Right to my family. Back to my pack.

I spotted all three of them in the same area I had left them and internally smiled. They were more then I deserved.

Max- "are you gonna go all sad on us?"

I rolled my eyes, which must have looked weird on a wolf.

Anna-"I can see you didn't tell the cullens anything, which I suppose they deserve."

Lucy- "I agree, assholes, anyways, what next Iz?

I ignored the part about the cullens. "The other wolf pack, this will be harder"

When we arrived to a house that smelt strongly of shifter I phased, after telling the other three to stay in wolf form and keep watch.

I walked up to the door, and before I could back out, knocked. The door opened and a tall, tan, dark haired man opened the door.

He breathed in and tensed "who are you?" He said, not sounding it like a question. "Izzy, now we need to talk, where in the rest of your pack, sam" I decided to use my wolfs name here. he looked to close to phasing. I probably shouldn't have used his name, but it helped make him more intimated.

"Tell me who and what you are. Then we'll talk" he said firmly. I decided to humor him. "I'm chief swans daughter, I'm hear to talk to you pack and you about something extremely important. I am a wolf, but not exactly like you." I said in one breath.

His eyes were wide since the part about who's daughter I am. "Yes, I'm Isabella swan, now can we hurry up?" I said impatiently.

"Alright, but try anything.." he said threateningly. I starred him head on, despite the flash of fear I felt. I could easily take down a few of these wolves. But I don't think I could take down the whole pack.

"Stay here" he commanded. Who does he think he is! My wolf growled. I agreed silently. I was not one of his little omegas that he could boss around, a fact that pissed me off. Just bossing around your family because you could??

Sam walked into the woods and I decided to lean against the house and wait.

Around 15ish minutes later he'd gathered all of his pack and we stood in a circle. "Bella, this is jarred, Paul, Jacob, Embry, Quill, Leah and Seth." He pointed to each of them as he said there name. They all had the same black hair, tan skin, and tattoo? The smallest

"Now, what did you come here to tell us?" Sam asked seriously."

I focused my attention on him. "There is a war coming. This war will endanger your people, my people. Any human that stands I. The way, will be slaughtered." It was not me, but Izzy talking.

"What I'm asking, is will you fight with us?" I said.

Same eyes narrowed a bit. "Us?" He questioned. I swallowed a bit; this was the part I was not exited for. "My pack, Anna, Max and Lucy.. and the cullens." I said tensely. An uproar started immediately after the word Cullen was uttered from my lips.


He does NOT talk about Nate like that, let me put him in his place! Izzy said in my head. I just pushed her away. Now was not the time.

Eventually sam yelled "quiet! All of you!" In a firm alpha voice. I internally growled. He disrespected his pack so much. He was not a true alpha. But I kept my mouth shut.

"We have to discuss this with our elders. We will get back to you. How will we contact you?" Sam questioned.

"Just howl twice, loud"

Then I turned around and shifted. Running into the woods.

Bella the wolfWhere stories live. Discover now