Chapter 4

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I decided today I was going to go to go back to the pond, I wanted— no, needed some answers, why am I'm this so called 'chosen one' was my biggest question, besides the fact that I was supposed to make them and whatever the 'shifters' are, Ali's.

My dads nocking on my door broke me from my sulking, "Bella" he asked questionably. "Who els" I muttered. "Yes" I asked in a more polite tone. "Er... can I come in" he said, obviously nervous. "Sure" I said, now confused, but curious.

He opened the door and stood there awkwardly. "What do you need dad" I said worriedly, what could be wrong...?

"Well, I know you and Jake haven't been, well, the best of friends lately and..—

I cut him off "dad just get to the point" I said a, bit of annoyance seeping into my voice, he should know that I have not been in the best of moods lately, especially when he mentioned Jake, I knew I was being a bit selfish, but he didn't have to follow sam like a lost puppy, he could have let me be his friend, but I knew friendship wasn't enough for him.

"What about him" I said- well more growled. "Umm Bells, he well, hes... injured. That caught me off guard, thought that I sensed Charlie wanting me to go down there. I couldn't help but be worried about him, I still loved him to, just, not the same, I loved him like a brother.

"What happened?" I said hesitantly, I didn't know if I wanted to know.

Now he seemed hesitant "well, actually I don't know, none of his friends or him would tell anybody, the weird thing is, I was the only one that asked, you'd think billy would have been flying questions at him nonstop but he wasn't. It was like he already knew everything."

"And, how bad is he hurt?" I asked quietly he looked down "broken ribs and his leg." I gasped. "Well, he asking for you Bella" he said guiltily. "Dad why do you look so guilty, and why would he ask for me, ends are friend ship, then doesn't talk to me for two weeks!" I asked agitated.

I started to shake and get hotter from the anger. "Well" he said his face showing more guilt. "Well, what" I asked, why was I so angry about this. "Well, I told him you'd be over at 6:00. I was shaking even harder now. I grounded my teeth together and snapped "YOU SAID WHAT!!!!!" He looked shocked, I've never yelled at him, hell, I was shocked. I stormed down stairs and out of the house, I needed to cool down.

I was going to go the pond sense my plans had been changed, that thought just made me anger. When I found my self beer the pond I said "help me" not expecting an answer I jumped when I heard a familiar voice

"What do you need help with young one?" I sat there in shock, was this really happening? "Yes."
Wait was she in my head? "No and yes, I am your guardian, I am your guide, I will always be here when you need me." Umm what's your name? "My name is Izzy." Oh... "I've totally lost it, maybe I should go to a mental hospital..." I muttered. "no you have not gone crazy, this is all real." Well, I guess if I am crazy. Mite as well roll with it. I started asking questions. Izzy, how am I supposed to find them. Izzy automatically new who I was talking about. "Bella, I can not answer all of your questions yet, in time you will answer them on your own." I huffed in annoyance. Why can't you just tell me? I was getting frustrated again. "Calm yourself Bella, the reason I can't tell you, is because it would affect your future, just be patient, trust me Isabella.' I sighed, not in the mood to fight my own brain right now.

When I got back home it was around 4:30. When I stepped in to the door my dad came over to me with a relived but guilty face.

"Bella I'm so sorry I didn't mean to—

I cut him off again. "Dad I should be apologizing, all I have to do is go to lapush for like an hour, and I'm sorry for yelling at you." I still felt guilty for that.

Charlie came over to me and hugged me, I was supprized because he usually never shows any emotion, it makes him feel vulnerable.

Just thinking about emotions reminded me of J-Jasper, I may not have been close to him, but still, I felt a connection, the last memory I had of him was of him trying to drink my blood but being healed back. But I couldn't find the urge to hate, or even be mad at him, he wasn't trying to hurt me, his vampire side was, it most definitely was not his fault, especially when he could feel every one else's blood lust.

When Charlie let me go he walked back over to the couch and watched the game.

I quickly got something to eat, realizing I was absolutely starving, I heated up some left over toco meat the set everything out, and called Charlie for dinner, we at in a comfortable silence not needing words.

When the colck hit 5:10 I was in my truck driving to lapush, I had a weird feeling... like something big was going to happen soon...

Sorry, cliffhanger he he he he he

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