Chapter 2

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           It had been three months, twelve days and fifteen hours sense the day Ed- he and his family left, wow, I am such a coward, I couldn't even think his name without curling up in a ball and having a panic attack. The only thing keeping me from jumping off a damn cliff is Jake and his friends Quil, Embry, Seth, Leah, Paul, Jarred, Jake and- well I don't really like sam, that's un under statement he was an asshole, destined to live in hell, he kept them all away, even Emily... and Leah, and Jake...

FUCK THE WORLD!! I silently cursed.

          And out of no were a growl erupted from my chest, it unsettled me, suddenly my temperature rose, and a weird feeling in my gut , my head hurt, I decided to go back to bed, I was wayyy to exhausted to move, and apparently hallucinating.

    Wow, I guess the world wanted revenge.

       When I woke I felt better- but not better, I still felt... hot, not in a pretty way, but I felt like I could walk, even though my head still throbbed. I quickly got changed in some grey sweats and a black tee and a ring my grandmother had given me a little while before she died, before I met the c-cullens, before my whole world was smashed. God I sounded angsty.
        I took a quick look in the mirror but stopped short, I was taller then I was yesterday.. and more muscular, oh well that's probably why I'm running a fever, probably a growth spurt, and I realized I was extremely hungry. I jogged downstairs and took out some cereal and milk and quickly ate.


When I got to school Angela came up to me and stated "I'm moving next week" oh crap I thought to myself, she had been the only one that had with me, even when I didn't deserve it, when E-Ed- he left, I hugged her as tight as I could but then she choked out "c-can't breath" "oh, sorry"I said, awkwardly, then blushed. I had gotten stronger, I didn't know why or how, I wasn't doing much besides going home making dinner, eating w/ Charlie, doing homework, sleeping, going to school, the same pattern continues, I didn't know what I wanted to do in this shell of a life...

Just want to say I do not own any of the twilight characters all rights go to the author of twilight( I'm to lazy to right her name)

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