Chapter 8

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My eyes scanned over my former best friend.

One of her arms was hanging off, she was making whimpering noses. I also noticed her eyes were closed, hmm, this would be easier if I was in human form— wait no, that can't know who I am. Yet.

I got my large form down and whined. Alice opened one eye, but quickly shut it and whimpered. Then I herd a menacing growl on my right, I glanced up and found Jasper to be the one growling, and the other Cullens watching. I slowly backed away, keeping eye contact with Carlisle, the coven leader.

Then I pointed my snout at Alice, and I think they got the memo, because they all rushed forward, Jasper getting to her first.

I was having a hard time keeping my eyes away from his face, my wolf instincts were telling me to go to him, and I don't know why.

When Jasper touched her she loudly whimpered and scooted away, I looked at Jaspers face and he looked like a kicked puppy.

"Alice?" Jasper asked in a heart broken voice that made my heart break.

"Wolf" she muttered back and my head tilted, no I'm a donkey.

"Shh, it's okay, your safe" Jasper soothed.

"I-I want the w-wolf, J-Jass" Alice choked out.

The rest of the Cullens were watching silently, even, Carlisle, but at this there eyes went slightly wider, well I don't know about his I was pretending he didn't exist.

"P-please" she said. Alice reminded me of a small child right now. I didn't wait for permission, this was to heart breaking. I slowly approached her then laid down on the opposite side Jasper was sitting then put my muzzle on her neck. Then I glanced at the sky, shit. Full moon, I already look threatening enough, the full moon will make me look terrifying.

I made a move to get up but Alice put her good hand on my paw.

"Please s-stay, you k-kept m-me sa-fe" Alice said looking me in the eyes. I couldn't say no to her.

I whined but laid back down. I gave my attention to Carlisle who was muttering something to low and fast do me to hear to the others.

I quietly yiped at him, which got his attention, so I looked him in the eyes which I could tell were starting to glow a brighter purple, then I tilted my snout to the full moon, which made him look at it, along with all the Cullens besides, Alice and Jasper.

Carlisle, eyes slightly widened, then he looked at me and asked Cautiously,

"What happens on the full moon" it looked as if he did and didn't want to know, he probably thought I lost control, I couldn't exactly tell him so I just close my eyes and waited. A moment later, I heard six loud gasps and one quiet one. So I opened my eyes and all the Cullens were stairing at me, making me anxious, this was a different kind of stairing then before, it was constant, unlike before they just kept glancing at me. They didn't know me, well, technically they do, but don't know who I am, but I know who they are.

I noticed the place surrounding me was lit up with purple and blue light that was coming from me.

Surprisingly, the first one to do anything was Alice, she slowly went to touch me but Jasper held her back, and I growled lowly, she can do what she wants, and it won't hurt he— ohhhhh they think it will hurt her, I'll set them right.

I did it very quickly, I put my head on her stomach and everyone froze. What. I glanced at Alice, nothing was wrong, wait. nothing was wrong.... OH YEA BITCHES I HAVE SUPPER HEALING POWERS ON THE FULL MOON SHITYS!!!!!

Shhhh— Izzy

Oh I forgot you could get through my Ming block.— Bella

I am your mind—Izzy

Oh— Bella

I slowly took my head off of her then just stared. Then I loudly barked, louder then I intended, and obviously scared the fudge out of the seeing as they all crouched and started hissing at me, I was quick to growl back. But then stopped, this was my fault.

I then looked at Alice, she looked... exhausted. Hmm, I know how to fix this. I quickly went under her then scooped her up on my back. Then took off to there house, I had a head start.
Alice squeaked as I took off. Then after a moment she loosen her grip, thank God she was going to rip off my fur, Jeez.

Then I listened for a moment and could hear the other following me, and I sped up. After about five minutes I reached there house and slowly stopped, next time we would fly......

Then I got her if my back just as Jasper made it to my side, then I lightly pushed her to him, I also noticed how she was smiling so brightly at me I thought her face would break.

Then she said something that made my heart speed up......

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