Chapter 3

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As the bell rang and I headed to my next class, gym. I couldn't help but feel the ache in my chest from the hole that had appeared when he left, what was I supposed to do now, I had no one aside from Charlie, and he wouldn't get it, and sence Sam(a grawl erupted from my chest as I thought the name) what was wrong with me. Well sence he kept Jacob away I had no safe harbor no sun to guid me through the darkness.

I hated to admit it but I was still waiting for him to come back, for him to just climb through the window and tell me it was just a bad dream, no, a nite mare. Thats the real reason that I refused to leave, I don't think of forks as home anymore, I don't have a home, my home is with him and he doesn't want me.

When I looked around I realized I wasn't by the school anymore, great, note the sarcasm.

I was very uncoordinated and don't have a sense of Direction, so no surprise when I find myself by a pond.

I noticed something odd about the pond, it was like... I was being pulled towards it... as I got closer I heard a voice...

you are the chosen one... you must make the the cold ones and the shifters not enemy's, but ally's, they don't need to be friends though... you have been chosen as the queen of the super natural... if you succeed on this quest, you have your family and friends back... if you fail the word will become chaos, there will be war... lives would be lost...

Dive into the water and retrieve the golden bracelet... it is a marking.

You will be given three servants, they will do anything you ask them to, they are your pack... good by young one... be safe.

"Wait, DONT go!" I begged

One more thing young one... watch out for the full moon...

The voice disappeared and left me dumbfounded, "the hell just happened" I muttered, great now I'm hearing voices.

But I would do what the voice told me I guess...

I stripped out of my cloths and thanks to this new found body temperature, the water wasn't to cold. I had my eyes open and oddly it didn't stink... just felt weird. Something shiny caught. My eye and I swam faster to it

I reached into the grimy bottom and wanted to gag in disgust, eww. My hand latched onto a box, it had to have been down here for years, but it was tottaly clean and smooth, the wood couldn't be water proof... could it? No... and who would be out here in the middle of nowhere besides my stupid self... wait... there is... vampires...

I forgot that I was still under water and started choking... air... I fought my way to the surface scratching the water, I felt a sharp pain in in my ankle, but it wasn't very painful from all the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

In the back of my head I noted that I wasn't letting the box go. I didn't want to.

Air Air Air Air Air Air Air

I couldn't hold back anymore I needed air I sucked in a breath but my lungs filled with water, it hurt. It hurts. I stopped fighting, I was two exhausted to keep going. I went limp, the only muscles in my body that wouldn't relax were the ones... holding the box.

My head turned to the right and I saw something that gave me strength... Edward, his name didn't hurt, not like usual, it felt good.

His eyes locked with mine then said softly but urgently, "fight Bella, don't give on me, I still love you, but you have to be alive for me to show you that.

Bella the wolfWhere stories live. Discover now