After Edward left Bella in the forest she gets depressed and Sam kept Jake away. but something unexpected happens...... and she disappears.....
(I don't own twilight)
It's been 5 months sense he left me and two months sense I 'disappeared' from home.
During the middle of my first month sense being gone I went back home, in wolf form. And I saw posters of me being a run away and if anyone saw me they were to report it to the police.
Two new members have also joined the pack, Max and Lucy. Max is the jokester, he can always come up with something stupid or hilarious, even in dire situations. He reminded me of Emmet. Ouch. My brother. I quickly banished the thought.
My pack had learned quickly not to think or talk about the c-cullens in my presence. It physically hurt me. I thought I would have been able to maybe slightly get over him but the bond seems to have intensified.
I've also noticed what Izzy meant by 'watch out for the full moon' I look amazing it's like I am electric, but really it's harmless if you touch me.
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It's awesome.
We've all practiced fighting incase a nomad or coven was to stop by, not that we really need practice but it's better safe then sorry. We've only ever come across one. And let me say it did not end well for him.
At the moment we're all just running to New York. It's like I'm being pulled there. But not the same pull as when I was supposed to find my family. Yes, I call my pack my family now. Because they are like family. It was strange how we all bonded so quickly. Not that I'm objecting.
The other three are having some kind of argument. It's strange. I mean all of this is strange but they act like I'm there mother. It's nice. I love them all like they were my children.
Then a sweet smell entered my nose, but not as sweet as the normal vampire. Strange. Maybe it's them... no Bella don't get your hopes up. I scolded myself
But what if it is them— Lucy
Then I don't know... I don't know if I'm ready to face them yet— Bella
It will be ok— Anna
And if they reject coming back to forks we can just vamp nap them. Get it. Kid nap. Vamp nap— Max
We all inwardly groaned. He can be very annoying.
I know I can— max
Quiet— Bella. I used in my alpha voice. I rarely ever used it but I needed to think I silence...
What if it was them. I needed to prepare myself, just incase, I new I would be in pain if I saw any of them, well, more pain. They were the ones that I once called family...
I came to a sudden stop making Max slam into me. I could hear them talking, I quickly put a shield around my packs thoughts. Then listened closely, I could just make out there voices and who they belonged to......
"Come on guys we should just go check on her, I can't see her in any of my visions, it's like she just disappeared." That was obviously A-Alice. So she still cared about me.
"Or she just died, finally we can just get over the stupid human" that was Rosalie. I held back a chuckle, I was no human.
"Rose!" Someone scolded, presumably Esme.
The house was quite for a few moments. I jumped at the high pitched sound of Alices voice.
"WERE GOING TO FORKSSSSS!!!" She squealed, all of my pack cringed away, sometimes my old best friend could be tooo energetic, sometimes I think they found a way to eat sugar or something. My pack chuckled at at the thought, and the sound was loud enough for the vamps to here.
This is are que to leave— Bella
Yea les go— Lucy
We quickly scurryed away just quick enough for the vamps not to see us. I went into the air to watch my pack from above, I loved flying just as much as running, it helped sooth my nerves of seeing them.
Well dad, here comes your daughter....