Bad habits

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°Bakugou's pov°

I was on the roof, again. It was the only place I was able to find peace of mind. I took a sip from the bottle of whiskey I had, letting the cold air lightly brush my face and ruffle my hair. My peace was interrupted my the annoying sound of my ringtone. "Who is fucking calling me!?" I took out my phone a little annoyed and looked at the caller ID, it was the coffee addict. "Oh right, i'm supposed to be in class" I said under my breath and switched of my phone, No way his going to ruin my peace

I went back to relaxing and finishing my drink, letting my feet hang over the edge. About 10 minutes later I heard a click of the door nob, I surprisingly look back cause no one came here, it was one of the many reasons why I loved it here. I was kinda far away from the door so I squinted my eyes to see the figure. The figure had big Broad shoulders, blue hair,  blue eyes and I could recognize those glasses anywhere "Four eyes!?" He looked at me surprised as if he wasn't expecting anyone to be here. You and me both.

°Iida's pov°

I was really not in the mood to talk to anyone today, you could call it a bad day and my appearance showed it all too well. Normally I would look collected and neat like a true class president but today I was the complete opposite, my tie was undone, my shirt half buttoned, my hair looked ruffled and I was slouching. My hands were in my pockets and I was practicing stomping.

I really needed some alone time so I decided to skip class and go to the roof. I knew no one would be there since Aizawa said its too dangerous so it was perfect.

I went to the roof careful not to make too much noise, and seems like luck was on my side since no one noticed me. As I closed the door a loud click was heard, I shut up eyes praying no one heard. "Four eyes!?" A voice which was awfully too familiar was heard. I turned around to see last Person i wanted to see "shit" i mumbled under my breath. I debated for a minute whether it was better out here or in there. "One person is better than 15+ right?" I told myself as I walked over to sit next to the ash blonde who had turned his head away from my direction trying to ignore me I assume.

The atmosphere was awkward but not in the suffocating sense, I wasn't surprised since me and him don't really talk much, we hardly even know each other. I thought I didn't want to talk to anyone today but found myself started the conversation "shouldn't you be in class?" I said sarcastically

°Bakugou's pov°

I wasn't really in the mood to yell at someone today so I just look away hoping he wouldn't start scolding me for skipping class as he always does, but if cause he wouldn't let it slide its four eyes were talking about " shouldn't you be in class?" He said looking at me and I don't know if it was all in my head but I sensed a bit of sarcasm.

I looked at him with an 'are you kidding me' face "Isn't that kinda Hippocratical?" I continued "What are you doing?" He nodded his head "Touché" I took a sip of my drink it was half way done by now and of course sonic had to comment on it " You drink? Since when" I leaned back using my arms to hold myself up "4 months now, its a bit of a Bad habit"

It was quite for a little so I continued "What, are you going to 'report me to Mr.Aizawa'"  i impersonated him at the end of my sentence "No actually....can I?" He pointed at my bottle, my eyes widened a little. I nodded not expecting him so actually drink it, my eyes literally turned into a fucking tarsier when i saw him finishing the bottle "woah, what made the class president so stressed?" "..well I'm not the class president anymore...I got voted off the council.." His voice started to break as he finished his sentence, but my nosy self had to continue "is that why you look..different?" "That and many other reasons"

°Iida's pov°

Talking to Bakugou actually made me feel a little better maybe it was because we were basically strangers or something else. I could see he wanted to continue talking but was stopped by a piece of cloth covering us and dragging us out of the roof.

It was Aizawa.

A/N:BTW, there in class 3A, i don't condone underage drinking. Don't forget to vote and comment! Bye!

Bad habits IidabakuWhere stories live. Discover now