Every Pure Intention End

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=No one's pov=

School had become more draining than usual for the bluenette, usually he would be the first or second one to arrive but thses passed two days he's been the last. And every now and then he's been missing the euphoric feeling of alcohol entering his system and clouding his mind....

'what the hell am I thinking!? Alcohol is the last thing I should focus on!' he shook his head and tried to focus on the lesson yet every now and then his eyes would land on the ash blonde's empty sit and the open book left on his desk. "i wonder what he was doodling...." the bluenette slowly forget about the lesson and stared out the window as he willfully let his mind zoned out.

Ten minutes prior Katsuki was sitting at his desk and doodling something on his notebook, he looked as though he was in a state of relaxation as he did so. Then suddenly he just rushed out of the class and he hasn't come back yet. The strange thing is..... When he ran out he had a hand covering his mouth as if he were holding back something. "Must be the impeccable disgust of sitting next to midoriya the hole morning." The bluenette through as his chest slightly ached from the lingering feeling of betrayal and sadness he had for the dekusquad and deku himself as a hole

The bell rang informing the students that it was break time. While everyone left in their respected groups, Iida stayed behind since he wasn't all that hungry plus he had no one to hang out with. So he just laid his head down and tried to sleep, praying that dreamland will be better that his crappy reality. About five or seven minutes past before the bluenette's sleep process was disturbed by the sound of a nail tapping on his desk.

The irritation that had filled his body instantly evaporated when looked up to see the beautiful crimson red eyes that belonged to his now favorite stranger. "Let's go" The blonde practically commended as he walked out of class excepting the engine Boi to follow him. Iida hesitanted afraid to get his hopes up again..... Hundreds of thoughts raced in his head, a majority advising him not to follow. Yet in the end he found himself following the blonde.

They went to the depths of the school until they ended up in what seemed to be an abandoned music room. The room windows but they were tainted, it had a closet at the side-corner and only a giant paino decorating the middle. Iida questioned why he never knew about this place and how Kastuki did. "how did you find this place?" Iida asked in amazement, though the room was small and practically empty it was still beautiful. "A friend told me about it, it was abandoned two years ago after it was deemed useless for hero education prowess, but they still clean and take care of it" the blonde motioned the bluenette to the piano. "play something" this time the blonde's tone wasn't much of a commend but more of a request.

=Iida's pov=

"Why do you assume I can even play this?" I questioned raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms. Bakugou leaned on the piano and shrugged "Almost every rich kid I've ever met knows how to play the piano like a basic skill they learn from birth, call it a stereotype but I'm just stating of observation" I sighed as I started to walk over to the piano, when I sat down I waited a few moments before I started to play, I was trying to give Bakugou the illusion that I know multiple symphonies, but in truth I only knew one.....

As a child my father refused to teach me any piano or basic skills shifting all his attention on my older brother. He was his prize trophy, his golden boy... And I may has well been invisible... Due to the ill way I was treated, I was forced to either learn how to survive by myself or secretary ask my brother for help. Since I was too young to be independent I choose the prior, and that made my brother and I were really close. He never left me alone and gave me the kindness and love I didn't get from my father.. he was a brother, a father and a friend of mine. And nothing would ever changed our bond, well...nothing but death of course....

My memories were interrupted by the unpleasant sound of someone pressing the wrong key and since I knew this symphony by heart, i knew it couldn't be me....... I turned to the side to see and unhappy blonde sitting beside me. His unhappy expression gave me flashbacks of my dad's disappointed expressions every time he laid eyes on me. "D-did I do something wr-" I was interrupted by the loud sound of him getting up. He sighed "if you didn't wanna do it you could have fucking said so!" he slightly yelled at the end his sentence and though his voice was low i could hear him mumble "now I feel like an asshole". But I still didn't understand the situation "What are you talking about? I don't understand..." I got up and stood in front of him, through he refused to look me in the eyes, which made me frustrated... not him but at myself. Was I so useless that I couldn't even play a  simple song right?.. "tell me what I did wrong! Did you not like the song?! Was i-" again my sentences was interrupted, Kastuki pointed at the piano and I rushed to see the issue. As I searched for an error I was met with the reflection of myself on the piano... Was I crying? Is that why his mad?

=No one's pov =

Upon further observation the bluenette began to chuckle which turned into a light laugh "What's so funny?" Bakugou asked still irritated at himself "It's just.... The thought of you actually caring about me just kinda makes me happy..." he wiped his tears away before he was turned around by the blonde "of course I care! Do I look heartless to you!?" Iida softly grabbed Bakugou's chin and wiped away some red liquid below his bottom lip, lightly brushing against them. God, how he regrets not questioning that red liquid... He shouldn't have turned a blind eye to it..... That was his first mistake.. "Not at all" he said with a smile.. And that was the last straw for katsuki

He pulled the blue eyed Boi into a passionate kiss but it wasn't long until the bluenette took control. He grabbed the blonde and placed him on the piano before he started to kiss Bakugou's neck leaving a few hickey to decorate his skin. "we have exactly 40 minutes until break is over" Kastuki stated. He grabbed a handful of the bluenette's hair and pulled it causing his blue eyes to meet his red ones. "any experience with quickies?" He asked with a smirk to which he received the same expression from the human engine

"I'm a fast learner"

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