Conversations with a stranger i barely know

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Aizawa dragged Bakugou and Iida to the classroom using his weapon of a scarf. The class was empty, the other students had gone for lunch. Aizawa let them go and motioned them to sit. Which they did I, the atmosphere was thick, Aizawa had his disappointed and annoyed dad face which made them gulp

°Bakugoucs pov°

We sat for 5 minutes in complete silence, like fucking pen drop silence.I didn't know if I was supposed to start the conversation or if he would. I look over at speedy at the corner of my eye, he was literally sweating oceans and had unbuttoned his shirt more than before revealing his abs "danm..wait what th-" i started choking on air which cause the the grim ripper to finally FINALLY talk.

"Do you mind telling me what you were doing at the place I SPECIFICALLY told you to stay away from? Skipping class in the process"  I tried to come up with an excuse but nothing, my mind was completely blank "I've been going there for months and I don't have any excuse for when got caught?!". And then just my luck he puts an empty bottle of Whiskey on the desk. "Fuck" I mumbled. "Giving by your reaction kastuki I think that this is yours, there was a stake of them." I didn't think anyone would come up there so I didn't really care if I had made a mess "A-actually its mine" Little boy blue chimed in saving my skin. Aizawa look  at him with surprise then sighed "You two will have detention for 3 months, extra training, extra homework,  extra classes and you'll have to take a substance abuse test everyday." He stood up "detention starts now" and with that he left.

I sighed and when to sit at the back of the class. I stared outside the window at the pink palm tree admiring how the left gently fell on the ground but I couldn't help feeling guilty for ruining any chance Four eyes had of becoming class president again...was he mad at me for that? He wasn't talking to me and hasn't moved from his sit yet "Great he doesnt even wanna look at me" I sighed.

"I'm sorry"
They said at the exact same time

°Iida's pov°

I look back at  Bakugou as I heard him apologize, I was surprised and confused cause it was a rare moment for Bakugou to apologize and he didn't even have anything to apologize for, it was all my fault "What for?"

"For running any chance you had of becoming class president again, you didn't really need to do that."

"I wanted to plus I was elected to be kicked out, they have a new president now.."


I chuckled "Take a wild guess"

"Pony tail"

"No, its a certain green hair, green eyed boy with freckl-"


"Yep." I sighed

" said being kicked out is one of the reasons you came up there, what are the others?"

"....if feel like I'm losing control. Control of my life, of who I am and what I tend to do with my life. I feel like I'm losing my hole identity"

A/N: Don't forget to hit the star and comment!

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