My world implodes

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=• No ones pov •=

While everyone else was visiting family or hanging out with friends, the lonely blue haired boy spent his entire weekend trying to contemplate what exactly happened on Friday at the UA council room. The male stared at the celling as random thoughts ran through his head. He had neither his contacts or the courage to ask Katsuki for an explanation.

Because honestly who was he to Katsuki anyways, he was hardly a friend and most certainly not a lover so what right did he have to ask the blonde about his personal life...Other than one sexual interaction and a few chats, he and the blonde had nothing...

"But...does bakugou really think of me as nothing more than a pass time.."

Frustration ran through his veins as he thought of how he was used...but he wasn't so much angry at the blonde. No, he was angry at himself for being vulnerable with someone close to a stranger...he was just begging to be used.

Flashback •

Too many thoughts started to ran through the boi's head as the feeling of humiliation and betrayal fell on his shoulders. He wanted the ground to swallow him instantly but apparently mother nature hated him too.

He then felt a hand rest of his shoulder, he didn't need to look up to know that it was Midoriya. "Get new friends Iida better friends and stop collecting basic kind acts as if there points in a game"

•End Of Flashback •

Iida clenched his fists thinking of Midoriya's words "How the hell am i supposed to make better friends when you keep taking everything from me!" His hatred for the greenette grew every passing day. It felt like every small step he took Midoriya would take three giant leaps.

Why did it have to be Midoriya of all people. What did Katsuki even see in him...does he even know the greenette's true Colours? "Most likely not or they wouldn't" Ugh. That word still doesn't sit with him.

The engine boy turned to his side as he involuntarily though about Bakugou Katsuki. He had realized this recently but..he knew next to nothing about that boy...but that secretly made Iida want to get closer to him and know more about him. Every new thing he learns about Katsuki feels like a new achievement....and in the Iida family, achievement is more important than air.

"What am i to you Bakugou Katsuki..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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