Late nights spending alone

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=Iida pov=

Class went on like usual although I wasn't able to concentrate that much, this has been happening for two months now....and it also Didn't help having a dozen set of eyes staring at me. I sighed knowing my report card was going to be low, maybe above average if I'm lucky... But I somehow couldn't fully care.

The bell rang and knowing I had nothing to do for the rest of the day I decided to take bakugou's advice and ask the Dekusquad if they wanted to hang out. Looks like luck was on my side since I found them all together at the school gate with Yaoyorozu.

I walked up to them, I had no idea what they were talking about but when they noticed me they instantly stopped talking..was it weird that I felt like I was interrupting something? I greeted and only yaoyorozu responded with a smile. This was getting more awkward by the second. I wanted someone by my side... More specifically my heart kept yearning for a certain red eyed blonde

"So I was wondering if you guys wanted to hang o-" "No." The hole group responded in sync, not even letting me finish my question. Then deku took a few steps forward as if to represent the whole group "Look iida I thought you were smart enough to read the signs but I guess I overestimated you. Let me make this clear we are not friends, we never were. I tried being professional with you, we all did but you just get sentimental over the smallest of things."

I clenched my fists and the sound of my teeth tightening sickened me....No, that's not what's making me sick right now. It was the fact that the green haired basterd was....right. It took me a while but I realized that....without the dekusquad... I was an outcast. I had no friends and no one else to lean on other than them, so I latched onto them with no intention of letting go. I knew this was a coming from day one yet still tried to delay the inevitable. So now I'm suffering the consequences

"so was why you pretended to be my friend. We're you planning to use me from the start or was this petty revenge for stealing your spot in the presidency?" I asked keeping my head down then the silence quickly turned into laughter which made me clenched my fists even more. " No, I could've taken that spot from you at anytime, I had everyone's votes. I swear you put the position too high on a pedistel" I then felt the weight of his hand on my shoulder "Get new friends Iida, better friends and stop collecting basic kind acts as points in a game."

I slapped his hand off me and ran away. I didn't know where I was running to and honestly I didn't care, I just wanted to get away from those people. In the heat of the moment I forgot I had a quirk so I took longer than usual. I didn't know my destination and my blurry eyes, made it hard to navigate so I just let the wind choose my fate.

When my heart felt satisfied and knees buckled under pressure, I looked up and realized I was at the dorms... Specially in front of a room but the door didn't seem familiar. It had several boot prints implying someone kicked this door down several times. As realization stroke me I started knocking on the door repeatedly. We had only spoke twice yet I had expectations.

"Bakugou... Please.. Open...up" my begging as met with silence. After a couple of minutes my skin began to change color and my knocking became desperate. I stopped and placed my hand on the door. "please....i need you..." I let the sound of his air conditioner cancel the painful silence. Still waiting for him to open the door and comfort me.. But none of it happened..

In disappointment got up and dragged myself away from the door. I walked slowly still apart of me hoping for him to miraculously open the door and embrace me or to meet up with him in the hall, way too many expectations for someone I can barely call a friend. As I layed on my bed I knew the tonight Was going to be lonelier than others..

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