I got nothing left to lose

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°Third person pov°

Iida kept on talking without realizing it and Baku let him, he could see iida wasn't himself and needed someone to to talk to so he just listened.

"Losing my position as class rep opened my eyes and showed me that I really have Nothing left to lose my brother is dead, My mother is dead, My father hates me and I feel like I'm slowly losing my friends" Tears start leaking from his eyes as he continued "My life is slowly falling apart and I'm just watching it crumble..."

Iida was full on Sobbing when he felt a hand on his cheek, wiping away his tears, kastuki was in front of him kneeling as to level up with speedy. The blue eyed boy was so distracted by himself that he hadn't noticed that katsuki had left his sit and came to his.

"You haven't lost everything, you still have a chance in becoming a hero and helping people just like your brother...And maybe you could talk to your friends I'm sure its a misunderstanding, and if your father hates you then his and idiot" The stressed boy slightly chuckled

°Iida's pov°

Bakugou was right, I could still become a hero just like my brother And help people who are maybe in the same situation as me, maybe even worse...

I looked up from my hands and at Bakugou.When I lifted up my head looking at his crimson eyes I then realized how close we were from each other, our faces were Millimeters away from each other. Im sure he realized it to because a visible blush appeared from his slightly pale cheeks. I don't know what came over me but....

°Bakugou's pov°

We started making out, his kiss was rough yet passionate...I don't know if it was the alcohol but his kiss was so fucking addicting. It made me feel more of a euphoric feeling than any of my best dosage. I didn't want to stop, so I started to unbutton whatever was left of his shirt to unbutton and he tore mine off.

We were half naked when we heard the second most annoying sound in this school. The bell, lunch was over. We separated due to the sound "Right, school isn't over yet" he said grabbing his shirt and scratched the back of his head. I looked back at the pieces of fabric which were once My school shirt. "Im screwed" I thought as I heard footsteps.

°Third person pov°

"Here" Iida said giving kastuki his shirt, suki was about to refuse so he added "I'm the one who tore of your shirt so the least I can do is give you mine. Bakugou sighed and took the shirt "thanks" he mumbled buttoning up the shirt unintentionally taking a whiff of Iida's call which caused the ex-class rep to chuckle.

"Shut up!"

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