Staring To 'Space'

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=•No one's pov •=

The blonde and the bluenette casually walked to class with 7 minutes to spare. Though they weren't late everyone else was already in class's chatting as usual, before the two could step inside the class they were stopped by a tall dark figure that they were both afraid of, Aizawa sense. Ever since the "accident" This teacher has been paying extra close attention to the two mischiefs. He took out a small device and they instantly knew what it was "This is a device that will detect if you have been smoking or drinking in the past 6 hours." the two boys didn't need further explaining an both took turns blowing into the device.

Iida was in the clear and was let in but though Bakugou's results were the same as the bluenette's he wasn't instantly allowed in. Aizawa told him something that the engine boi couldn't quit hear before letting him in. Whatever the message was it wasn't a good one because as Bakugou passed by the ex-class rep, he heard a 'tch' escaping his lips. Iida walk to his sit confused and curious as ever which would keep bothering his for the rest to his classes.

°=After school=°

Iida his behind the corner as he watched the aggressive blonde walk into the council room. His suspicions raised by seeing Uraraka stand by the door acting as a body Guard. It was already the end of school so it's highly impossible for someone to come and listen in to there conversations "What are they hiding?" Iida thought as he walked towards the room trying to be as casual as he could. He was about to touch the doorknob but a hand Instantly stopped him.

"I'm sorry you aren't allowed to enter the council room anymore" She said with a professional smile. Her tone of voice sounded like she was talking to some random student....not her friend. The boi's heart twisted in their friendship was really over. Even if he wouldn't admit it, at the back of iida's mind he had hoped that it was all some suck prank...but of course he just fooled himself..."No...this is about Katsuki" He slightly shook his head to get his head back in the game.

"Eh..i have to get my left over stuff from here" he mentally cursed at himself for such a lame excuse, but to be fair non of this was planned. "Well if that the case i will send someone to collect and Send your stuff to you. You are not allowed in this room anymore" her repeating and smile was starting to annoy him now and it seems that his presence was annoying her. "I'm not allowed here but a random student is?" Iida raised andl eyebrow and uraraka's face showed more signs of being annoyed. Her eye was slightly twitching and the left corner of her 'smile' was fading. "Let me rephrase my statement, you are not allowed to enter unless called upon. Is that understandable for you?"

Her tone changed in her second sentence and it sounded like she was speaking to a toddler. A loud 'thud' was heard from the inside of the room, it sounded as through someone had gotten body slammed. Iida turned around and began walking away, he seemed as through her had given up but it was the complete opposite, this just made his more curious of what was going on.

A few minutes later Iida found himself peeking through the small window of the council room from the outside. The boy wasn't even given a chase to observe the changes made to the room because he was instantly met with the sight of midoriya getting punched in the face by bakugou. His eyes instinctively landed on the blonde. He was dripping in sweat and he looked worn out but deku on the other hand seemed super energetic even though he had just received a hard punch he seemed unfazed. "Aren't you going to thank me for getting your detention lifted?" Deku said in a cocky tone "shut up!" The blonde yelled before punching deku in the stomach making him take a few steps back.

"I hate you! And making petty favors for me won't change that!" Katsuki said wiping the sweater from his forehead. "Why do you keep pushing your inner hated onto me?! All i have ever done is good and good for you... I spent a good chunk of my life finding new ways to you happy, to make me useful! Why can't you understand Katsuki I lov-"

"Don't you dare say it! You can't love anyone or anything, don't pretend you even know what it feels like!" Katsuki went in for multiple punches which deku kept blocking. A few punches in midoriya grabbed Katsuki's wrist and pulled him close. "I liked you ever since we were kids, i spent day and night thinking about you which made my heart ache endlessly. It was the same for almost five years,  that isn't just a feeling i can forget due to one minor incident kacchan" The both stared intensely at each other, the romantic tension could be seen by the naked eye. Iida's heart dropped instantly when he witnessed bakugou and deku begin to makeout. He squeezed his shirt as jealousy flowed through him. "Are they in a relationship?"

They pulled apart and Katsuki began to weakly chuckle as he layed his head on deku's shoulders "You're a terrible kisser...." His voice faded and he passed out in the greenette's arms. Deku gently laid him on the shiny wooden floor and laid down next to him as he stared outside the big glass ceiling window at the almost starry sky. He laid there for about five minutes before uraraka came in with a bottle of water and a bottle of pills. She slowly walked over to the male not waiting to destroy his peace and quit. Acknowledging uravity's presence he sat up and was handed the items.

Deku put two of the pills in Katsuki's mouth, he positioned katsu's body and started to massage his throat before he made him drink the water causing the blonde to swallow the water and pills. Izuku kissed the blonde forehead before laying down again, uraraka throught of laying down  next to his but she decided against it. "Do you regret it?" The empathetic girl asked "Everyday" with that she sighed, deciding it would be better to give him space.

"Your only delaying the inevitable, im sure you know that."

she left.

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