Chapter 9

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~ Ember

I wake up in a bed.I look around and it's still night.The moon is in it's cresent faze.It's bright light  cast a light shadow on the room.I walk over to the window,cross my arms 'cause it's cold and stare out at the forest and it's shadows.

"What are you doing up?"

I hear a deep and soft voice.I turn around and see Draven standing behind me shirtless.I blush and turn back to the window and forest.

"I just woke up."I reply.

"Well go back to sleep."

I sigh and get back I the bed.Then Draven lays down next to me.He snakes his arms around my waist.

"What are you doing?"I whisper.

"Go to sleep teddy bear."

I feel his cool breath down my neck.As I drift off to sleep I think about our deal.If I'm going to try and convince my mom that I'm still alive and that I would like her and Sarah to accept me back,then I should apologize first.


I wake up to see the sun shinning brightly.I hate it.I wish I could just stay hidden from the world.I want my old life back.I actually kinda miss William.

"Knock Knock!Breakfast time!"

I hear a female voice say.I turn around to see a little girl smiling.She looks about  5 years old.I sit on my knees.

"I'm Elena!Nice to meet you!Mister D wants me to tell you it's time for breakfast!"She says brightly.I stand up and Elena grabs my hand.

"Come on I'll show to the breakfast area.Oh!Mr.D also says that you have to shower before you go eat breakfast!"I sigh.

"With what clot-"I began.


Elena pulled out a clothes rack.I went through the rack and choose my clothes.A red shirt and jeans.My bra matching the shirt and my panties matching the light blue jeans.I take with me into the shower.

After I finish my shower,I put on my clothes.I put my mid-thigh length hair in a ponytail with a few strands on the sides of my head.I look in the mirror at my reflection.

"I guess I look good."I mumble.I step out of the bathroom ad into the hall way.I remember what Elena told me.

"As soon as you get out the bathroom,continue straight and when the hall splits,take a left and continue straight until you see 2 black doors.That's the breakfast area."

I continue straight,take a left,and go straight.Then I see 2 large black doors.I put my ear to the door.I hear male voice and some female.

"What are you doing?"A voice asked.

I jump.I turn around to see Elena.

"Go inside!You sit at the really long table!"

She says.Then she shows me a picture of the table and where I sit.

Then she shows me a picture of the table and where I sit

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"Who's coal?"I ask."Oh him.His name is spelled c-o-l-e,but he pisses me off.So I call him coal.It bugs him to no end!" I sigh and smile.I push it open and everyone stops talking and looks at me.I walk towards the food counter.Then I hear someone whistle followed by a whisper.

"Dang,you look sexy."

I get a plate and gather up my breakfast items.Then I hear the talking continue.I pick up my breakfast plate and take my seat.

As soon as I put my spoon down,the door bangs open and Draven comes in.Every girl except Elena and I swoon.


Elena and I whisper is union.We laugh.

"When Mr.D comes over here we all are going to stand up and bow.Okay?"

I nod.

"Please do it too.I would like you to survive."

She says.I give a thumbs up and a small smile.This place makes me gloomy.Oh wait that's just how it looks!I think to myself.Mr.D walks over to the table.We all(including me.)stand up and bow.He smiles and sits down.

"Don't you look good today."

He whispered.Elena gets out of he chair and goes to give him a hug.

"Good Morning Mr.D!How did you sleep?"She asks.

He looks at me.Elena follows his gaze.She blinks then her eyes have this mischievous look.

"I slept well thank you."He smiles and I slightly blush.Last nights events rush back to my head.I stand up.

"Thank you for this breakfast.I going to go."I say.If I were in an anime,then I would have that black thing over my eyes,but unfortunately this is reality.


"Please,I do not mean to be rude and interrupt your time."I smile and bow.Then I walk out of the breakfast area.As soon as I am out of there and the door is closed I run to my room crying.I slam my door,get on my bed,curl up and cry.Then someone knocks and opens the door

"What's wrong sweet cakes?"

I look up to see prince charming,standing in the doorway.His face looks worried.I throw a pillow at him.

"What's wrong?First you kidnap me,then you lead my family to believe that I'm dead.That hurts no matter how much you hate them but I guess you wouldn't care or know 'cause you're you!"I grab another pillow and throw it at him.I plop down and I put my head on my knees.I continue to cry.He sits down next to me.

"Ember..."He hugs me.

"Stop.Leave me alone!"I scream at him.I hit my fist and forehead on his chest.I feel him flinch.I cry into his chest.Letting all the emotions that's been chained down inside me for years come out.


Hey guys.Author here.I hope you are having a good day!Comment,Vote,and subscribe!Love you ALL.😙😙😙😙😙😙😙


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