-Part two-

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Zara's POV

As I walk through New York on this chilly day heading to the bakery I can't help but smile, I'm finally content with life

Yes, I live in a crappy apartment because it's all I can afford...I don't have many friends and I'm a nobody, I don't mind though, today is the 5th anniversary of when I got out of that house, it's been 5 years since I have had any bruises made by my parents, 5 years since I smelled whiskey while walking into my home, all in all, it's a good day it's a great day even it's the day I was finally free

So I walk into the bakery with a big smile on my face ready to face another day

My friend and best employee Ava is opening today so I walk into the cafe and quickly go into the back

" good morning A," I say as I walk into the kitchen after washing my hands and putting my apron on

" Mornin zee bee " Ava chirps, that's her funny little nickname for me after I got attacked by bees... that's actually how we met

I was at the park 4 years ago taking a stroll in New York when I stupidly didn't look where I was going and fell into a bunch of flowers... that conveniently had a bunch of bees on them

Ava ran up to me while I was screaming running around the park and helped me...and from that day on we have been the best of friends, I genuinely can call her my sister I mean she is the only family I have

" so what are u gonna work on"? I ask as I'm getting ready to write down everything we need to bake for today

"I'm making some brownies and an array of cookies," Ava says

"Yum those are always a big hit, ok I'll work on the cakes then," I say, I love to bake it's been a way for me to escape life ever since I was a little kid since my parents never gave a shit about me and were only home to drink or to hit me, I had to cook and make food my self and it was a way to calm myself

-A couple of hours later-

I just finished making all the sweets I have to make so I switch with one of my employees and take the register

"Hi welcome to a slice of love, my names Zara what can I getcha for today," I say with a big smile on my face

"Medium black coffee splash of cream," the man says not even taking a glance at me as he types rapidly on his phone

"Alrighty! Will that be all or would u like something sweet to pair with your coffee?" I say with a smile

I've learned over the years to not let the rude customers get to you, I mean u never know what someone's going through and why send someone on their way making them upset when you can make them happy, don't get me wrong sometimes I wanna pour some scolding hot coffee down some people pants but I keep those thoughts to myself...

"No I'm not into diabetes," the man says lowly

"Alright, that will be $5.69, cash or card?"

"Card and make this quick I need to get to work" geez this man is trying to test my patience this morning! But today is a good day I won't let it get to me

"Alrighty! That will be out shortly for you"

As I hand the man his coffee and he walks out in the corner of my eye I see a beautiful little girl peeking at all the treats

I can't help but smile, I absolutely love children, but sadly it will be very hard for me to have children from how badly damaged my uterus is from the hits I have endured

"Hi sweetheart where are your parents," I say lightly

"Oh you look like a princess!!!" the little girl chirps and grins

"Aww well thank you so much, who are u with sweety? Are u lost?"

"I want a cake please" she shyly says

"Okay I can give u a slice where are your parent's hun"

"Bathroom," she says in a whisper

"Okay what kind of cake do you want"

"CHOCOLATE!!!" She screeches

"Okay I'll go get you a slice" I lightly laugh

After getting it and boxing it I wait for her parent to get out of the bathroom, it's been a little while so I put the box on the counter and go to check to see what's taking so long and if they're ok

"All be right back sweetheart u stay right here okay"

I walk out of the bathrooms in confusion...there was no one there, I walk back out to see the little girl on a table in the corner stuffing her face with the cake

"Oh goodness" I laugh as I see her covered in chocolate "a little girl just stole a slice of cake from me" I laugh lightly while shaking my head trying to find her parents


By the way, the chapters are pretty short but gradually get longer! And the story in its self gets better

I hope you guys enjoy it! Remember to vote and comment I would love to hear what u guys have to say about the story so far!♡︎
Love you all, remember you are loved and go and enjoy some treats you deserve it !!♡︎

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