-Part eighteen-

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Enzo's pov

Zara just called me handsome...and I don't know why I can't stop smiling

Originally when she called me to ask for Matteo's number I couldn't help but feel a little jealous so I decided to ask her to come along with me and him to coffee

We started making small talk in the car while driving to meet Matteo at the cafe

I could tell she seemed uncomfortable when she talked about her parents, and I didn't press for more answers cus I could tell she didn't wanna talk about it

Maybe she will when she's ready

I can't lie when I say it's fun speaking to her in Italian and her not knowing what I am saying

Except it will be hard not calling her the classic pet names cus she knows the common ones from reading...so maybe I'll have to get creative

We just arrived at the cafe

"Hey, Matt!" Zara says

"Hey Zara, hey Enzo," Matteo says

We all ordered our drinks and sat down

I don't get to say anything because Zara beats me to it

"So the reason Enzo invited me I don't know if he told you...whatever not the point," she says shaking her head while smiling

"What happened when you went to your basketball date with Ava," she says grinning widely

She's so beautiful when she smiles

Matteo laughs " well I definitely don't think it's a date".....

"Whatever it was called I want the tea!! Ava won't tell me anything" she says sighing

I look down at her hands and see the snake ring that I gave her, and I can't help but smile as I see her fiddling with it

"Well...What happened"she says pushing Matteo to answer

And I can't help but laugh

She nudges my shoulder "it's not funny Enz I need to know! I can already see them getting married!" She tells me

I like her calling me enz...but I won't admit that to her

Geez is the mafia multi-millionaire turning soft for a girl...damn

"Sorry sorry" I laugh

"Well not much did happen, we bickered a lot," Matt says

"Ya it's actually pretty adorable when you guys do that," Zara says while laughing lightly

God I can listen to her laugh all-day

"Whatever anyway, we played basketball ball I won she got annoyed said 'she would've won if I wasn't distracting her' which I wasn't by the way, anyway she got annoyed and forced us to do a rematch but I couldn't cus of a meeting so we're gonna go again next Saturday," he says shrugging taking a sip of coffee

"OMG!!!! You guys so like each other, This is great" Zara says excitedly

She's so cute when she's excited

"Yeah, she definitely doesn't like me..." Matteo says

But he does...I am a guy but I mean it's kind of obvious even to me, you don't spend time with someone that's annoying on purpose if you don't like them

"Oh, she SO DOES! Do NOT tell her I said this but the girl added red velvet to our menu at my bakery!" Zara smiles

"Really?" Matteo says with a touch of amusement in his smile

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