-Part thirty five-

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Zara's pov

"Hurry your ass up, I wanna see the beach" I yell to Matt and Enzo who are asleep on the jet

Ava and I are way too excited to sleep right now, the whole flight we have talked about what we're going to do here

We have a whole week here, never in my life would I have thought I would be in Hawaii

Ava and I have dreamed to come here but we don't have enough money to be throwing at Hawaii

So the fact Enzo just...did this for Christmas

And Matt for Ava...

Like it's no big deal is just insane to me

Guess that's the life of being rich

"I'm going I'm going" Enzo huffs not moving from his seat

I unbuckle the seat belt and grab his hand trying to pry him off the airplane seat

But the man is 6'3 and is packing on the muscles so he doesn't even move a centimeter despite me using all my muscles trying to move him

He chuckles

"Stop laughing and get up...pleaseeeeee," I say pouting

He grabs my hips and moved me so I'm straddling him

"I'm too tired" he mumbles while pulling me closely

I cup his face "you can sleep when we arrive at the beach house while Ava and I explore, come on get up please" I say kissing the top of his nose

Matt is awake now and carrying a sleeping Mia, while Ava is waiting for me to wake up this dumbass

Okay fine, he wants to act like a little boy....

"Come on open your eyes Fichetto," I say with a smirk knowing he hates that nickname (pretty boy)

He immediately opens his eyes and pouts like a little boy

And I laugh

"See was that so hard to do," I say laughing

He mumbles a "shush it princess, and stop moving damn it"

"I'll stop when you get up, come on" I slap his chest

"If you weren't so cute, and anyone else I would've thrown you off the plane for not letting me sleep" he huffs

I laugh a little "your cute too " I say kissing the tip of his nose

"Come on get up now you big baby, We're in Hawaii" I say excitedly

He huffs before standing up while I'm still straddling him so I try getting off but he says "no I wanna carry you stop it" he says annoyed

I laugh and put my arms around his neck and nuzzle myself closer to him

I feel him supporting me up by placing his hands on my ass and I just roll my eyes to myself

I ended up falling asleep nuzzled close to Enzo while we drove around 40 minutes to the private beach house...well more like a mansion

I woke up to someone kissing that one spot near my ear

All I do is hum and Enzo chuckles

"She's awake" He exclaims to me sarcastically

"Now who's asleep and won't get up" I hear his deep chuckle

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