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Mia's 16th birthday

| Zara's Pov |

"Sweetheart stop crying" Enzo sits next to me on the chairs outside our room on the balcony, his fingers brushing back the pieces of hair falling onto my face

"She's practically an adult now! Wanting her license and everything" I sniff leaning on Enzo

"I know, I know, I don't like the idea of her growing up so fast, especially when boys are involved" Enzo scoffs

I laugh slightly as I climb onto his lap looking at his beautiful face, even after all these years I still love him,

Possibly even more than when we were only dating, possibly more than on our wedding day, it feels like the love only grows as the year's pass

"You know that a boy in her grade asked her out right?" I say attempting to hide my smile

He freezes under me and frowns "name...give me the damn boys name I need to have a chat with this little gremlin who thinks he can date my daughter"

I cup his cheeks with a laugh, kissing his lips softly I lean against his touch "relax I told her she can't date until she's 30"

"30?! Make it 60" Enzo stresses subconsciously gripping my thighs and pulling me closer

I kiss his cheek smiling against it "it's crazy how much time has passed huh..."

And It is crazy, the twins are eight years old now,

Our little miracle Baby Romeo is already four,

We've been married for over ten years,

And my life's turned from looking over my shoulder in fear and screaming in my sleep, fearing the dark,

To take late-night walks with Enzo, wake up with a smile on my face, and never have to fear that my parents are somewhere near.

"Yeah...I guess that's what happens when you're happy" Enzo grins looking at my face

His thumb gently wipes away some stray tears as he watches me with a love-filled gaze "you're so beautiful" he whispers

I feel the blush rising up my cheeks and I instantly cover my face,

I'm not sure how he still manages to make me blush or feel this much after so many years

His chuckle runs through my body, creating a ripple of tingles to shoot throughout my body, igniting a fire that can't be put out, a type of fire that just grows and grows,

"I love your blush" he whispers in my ear, his lips tickling the shell of my ear as he speaks, his breath heating my skin up,

"Let's go before we get distracted, I need to make sure everything is perfect for Mia's party" I kiss his jaw talking against it

He grunts and mumbles a "cockblocker"

I laugh getting up and taking his hand in mine as I pull him up,

"You and me both no I'm anything but" I frown pulling him out of the balcony in our room

I can hear the smirk in his voice "Mhm certainly not, but right now you are"

I roll my eyes "shush it and help with our daughter's party"

We get to work, I check on her cake making sure it's as perfect as can be, I look through the rest of the desserts and food and then head out to the living room

I see Enzo smiling at our wedding picture, I'm grinning at the camera and he has his gaze completely on me looking at me with so much love that it makes my heart burst,

 𝐴 𝑃𝐼𝐸𝐶𝐸 𝑂𝐹 𝐶𝐴𝐾𝐸 | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now