-Part forty six-

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Zara's pov

Today is the day my parents die, or I guess a better way to describe the events that will occur today is murder..

I couldn't sleep all night because of nerves, I just looked at Enzo who had his head on my chest and arms wrapped around my waist holding me close while he was sleeping

I should feel worse About the thought of my parents being killed

But I'm not scared of them dying...somehow that part doesn't phase me weirdly enough

I think everything I have went through It must have made me messed up in the head or something because I'm not phased at the thought of them being killed

I think the trauma I went through just burned that fear away I guess

What I'm nervous about is seeing them again...I can't stand them for what they did

And I'm nervous that they will try hurting me again, but Antonio assured me the place I will ask them to meet me at is going to be filled with secret undercover men and is very secure

I'm now calling my mother, Enzo is holding my hand for support while Antonia and Sophia patiently sit across from us, Sophia is fiddling nervously with the buttons of her blouse while Antonio is running his hands through his hair from time to time

(Call with her mother)

Bianca: hello? Who's this

Zara: hi mother it's me, Zara...

Bianca: We'll hello, let me guess you finally figure out that man you were with was using you and you have come to your parents for help? *chuckling*

I wasn't aware this was going to go this way...I look over at Enzo and he quickly writes something on a piece of paper he had ready just in case

I read it and it says 'agree sweetheart'

I look at him wide-eyed and slowly nod he squeezes my hand for reassurance

Zara: yes mother

Bianca: well guess you should've realized that your parents are always right, we told you it was worthless for you to go to college and find love, your unloveable Zara...

Enzo tenses at that and I squeeze his hand in saying it's okay

Zara: you're right I'm sorry mother can I meet you and father for dinner

Bianca: I guess, but then you will come home with us...a worthless little girl like you shouldn't be out all by yourself in God knows where

Zara: alright I'll text you the place and time bye mother

Bianca: goodbye your father and I will see you then and make sure you leave that man...he's too good for a slut like you

(End of call)

"That absolute BITC-" Antonio starts but Sophia stops him

"Antonio...breathe," Sophia says trying to breath herself as tears stream down her face

"Are you okay?" I ask Enzo

He looked at me with a shocked expression

"Jesus Zara, how are you going to ask me me that I should be the one to ask that to you" he shakes his head in disbelief

"Well I'm used to her talking to me that way and you're not" I shrug

"Sweetheart..." he looks up at the ceiling shaking his head, breathing hard

 𝐴 𝑃𝐼𝐸𝐶𝐸 𝑂𝐹 𝐶𝐴𝐾𝐸 | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now