-Part nineteen-

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Zara's pov

I ACTUALLY can't believe this shit is happening to me...

So it's been about almost 3 weeks since that day matt and Enzo and I got coffee

And everything's been going great

Enzo gets coffee and sometimes a treat before work and we have a quick little chat

And though Ava won't admit to anything she seemed super excited when Matt came into the bakery

She acted like she didn't care but I saw that small smile when he ordered a red velvet cake

I made him SWEAR to not tell her what i told him about the cake thing when we were at frozen yogurt

Anyways NOT the point! Everything was going great

UNTIL NOW! Well this technically has nothing to do with them but still

My landlord called me and told me I'm getting EVICTED! Like are you KIDDING ME! This can't be happening to me

They told me they're moving to a different location and the apartment complexes are being removed and the building will be used for god knows what

But where the HELL am I gonna live! I have a damn week to figure it out and I am so scared

I hate asking people for help

I don't wanna feel like a burden living with someone

And I know Ava won't mind but she has 2 other roommates...so I am sure they will mind

So this morning at the bakery I am absolutely in the worst mood

"He welcome what can I get you," I say not bothering to look up at who it is

"Wow, I don't think I have even seen you this unenthusiastic before... what's wrong?" Enzo says

Well shit of course it's him

"It's nothing serious I just got flipping evicted from my apartment," I say rolling my eyes

"Oh shit I'm sorry zar," he says

"It's fine it's not your fault, I am just upset cus I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to move somewhere in a week, I mean It's hard to find places in my budget"

"How long do you have ?" He asks

I sigh " a week"

"Damn..."l he mumbles

"Damn is right"

"Well how about your stay at my place"

HOLY SHIT! Did he just say what I think he said

"No way I don't want to impose, absolutely not," I say

"Well it actually would be better honestly since you help out with Mia" he shrugs

Shit he has a point there

"And I wouldn't mind seeing you every day" he laughs

I smile at that

"You already see me almost every day" I shake my head

"Well? What do you think" he says

"I mean you could stay at Ava's I guess if your more comfortable, I don't know just an idea since your Mia's nanny at this point"

"I doubt she would want anyone else watching her, to be honest, you are the perfect nanny to her and friend" he smiles up at me

Well shit if that's not the sweetest compliment I don't know what is

 𝐴 𝑃𝐼𝐸𝐶𝐸 𝑂𝐹 𝐶𝐴𝐾𝐸 | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now