-Part thirty nine-

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Zara's pov

We're now on the plane heading back home, I had the best time at Hawaii We went to a bunch of different beaches, touristy spots, some shopping centers for nicknacks and I also got some books! And we also went to some cool places and parks for Mia

Overall it was the best time I've had in a while

And I'm so happy I was with Mia and Enzo along with my best friend and we can't forget Matt...

"Did you have a good time?" Enzo whispers in my ear

"The best, thank you Enzo," I say kissing his check and resting my head on his shoulder

"Good I'm happy you did, get some rest sweetheart," he says kissing my temple

I grab his hand and put it on my lap to play with his rings

He kissed the top of my head and then gets to work on his computer

He sometimes had to do work when we were in Hawaii but he made sure to do it late at night or really early in the morning for when he had emergency work stuff to do

"Shouldn't you go to sleep Enzo? " I ask because he looks exhausted

"I'll be fine sweetheart," he says

I grab his laptop closing it before gently putting it back in his bag

"Enzo take a break and sleep you look exhausted" I sigh

He smiles a little "your cute when you're worried about me" he laughs

"It's not funny I'm serious," I say trying not to smile while looking at him grinning

"Fine but first ...." He says as he grabs my hands and puts me on his lap so I'm straddling him

"There now I can sleep comfortably" he smirks

I laugh "isn't this more comfortable for me than you?" I Raise an eyebrow

"I like you close to me, it makes me happy, so stop asking stupid questions and let's sleep," he says

I laugh before nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck and sighing in content

He wraps his arms around my waist to hold me close and I soon drift off into sleep

We're now back home, Ava and Matt have been dropped off at their places and now I'm unpacking everything in my closet

I soon realize after unpacking that the ball that Sophia invited me along to is very soon...and I have no shitting clue how to dance


I make my way to Enzo who is in the kitchen

It's pretty late at night right now but our jet lag isn't letting us sleep

"Hey" Enzo smiles

"Hi" I smile

"Hey, quick question" I ask

"What's up?" He asks

"Do you have any clue how to dance..." I laugh

"I just realized the ball in Italy is super soon and I have no clue how to dance" I sigh

He laughs

"Come here," he says gesturing me to him

Well shit this is happening like now

He turns on a random song and it plays 'at last by Etta James'

"This song sounds like an okay pace to dance to," he says nodding

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