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~Emily's POV~
The whole night Emily was mesmerized by y/n that she had forgotten to actually talk to her.
JJ couldn't help it notice the brunette staring while occasionally taking small sips from her champagne glass.

"Okay Em this is getting pathetic, put the glass down and go and talk to her. We leave tomorrow morning and you never know when you'll see her in person" JJ said while sitting down next to her friend.

"How is it pathetic I barely know her, besides she seems busy, and I hate galas so..." she said as she took a huge drink from her glass.

Grabbing the glass from her friend JJ added, "Oh I don't know the way you described your mother's galas, this one seems like a dream."

"Oh yes, rich old suck-ups kissing each other's ass' to donate money while they talk shit about the other when they retire to their homes that are more depressing than what they portray." Staring blankly at her JJ added, " Well, y/n isn't old, and she seems like she genuinely likes everyone here,"

"JJ, trust me, I've had the displeasure of running into at least 10 people who attended at least one of my mom's galas and the first thing they asked about was how my mother is doing but not before slyly adding a degrading comment. I may despise the woman, but if someone's going to degrade her it will be me."

Rolling her eyes JJ was about to make a snarky remark until something caught her eye. Y/N was walking by, yet she seemed uneasy. "Hey Em, your crush seems to be on edge, why don't you try and calm her down.

"JJ, really what are we middle schoolers? Besides, you seem to be forgetting about all the people that are here. I'm sure to be the last person who'd have caught her eye."                                     ____________________________________________________________________

A/N I think I'll do first POV to test, so bear with me 😌


11 o'clock could not come sooner, finally a break from the insufferable fake smiles. This evening has been the most stressful one in a long time, with constantly checking up on the guest, making sure I have all the orders places, supervising the kitchen, and keeping up with entertainment; a break was very much needed.


Time to go up?

Meet me by the end
of the east wing, past the kitchen
Read 10:26

Making my way towards the east wing I felt a pair of lingering eyes watching me. I tried to brush it off, but my gut had an unsettling feeling. Walking past a mirror I saw who the uninvited third wheel was, no other than Derek morgan.

"Agent Morgan is there anything I can do for you," I said stopping in my tracks yet minding the time." "Depends, whether or not you want to tell me why you're making deals with a man who is notoriously known for having suspected mafia relations?" "Agent, this gala is filled with many people of a high class, to what they do in their free time does not concern me, nor am I aware of their relations. I was simply involved in conversation with a client of mine."

"Well then you won't mind me following you to your meeting at 11, and seems that the time is 10:52, shall we get going?" I rolled my eyes and extended my arm as a sign for him to follow me.

They sure weren't going to like this.

1...2...3...4 the elevator could not possibly go any slower. "So how long have you been in architecture?" I mean every magazine that's interviewed me has that information- easily reachable- "9 years, almost 10 next year" "Well that brings me to my next question, when did you graduate college?" Ughh this is a conversation I bore from at thanksgiving with my family. "Agent Morgan, you look to be around your early 30's, so why the hell do you bore me with these questions that my grandfather ask me." He readjusted himself and just stood quietly looking at the walls of the elevator.

Finally some peace and quiet to this quite uncomfortable "bonding time". "I just-" Oh My God! we were doing so well with those last few minutes of silence "Look, Emily seems to like you, even though you've quite literally just met earlier this week, as her partner I look out for her, and frankly with all that security you have out there, and yo talking to a man suspected of having mafia relations, you're not looking the best on my radar right now."

Wait a damn minute... I couldn't control myself and burst out laughing, "Agent Morgan, what exactly do you think you're going to find?" the elevator doors opened after what felt like years. "You mean to tell me that this isn't a black market deal?" I couldn't stop laughing.

Finally gaining control of myself I turned towards him, "Let me get this straight, you being a profiler, profiled this meeting as a 'black market deal' and yet you were willingly about to go in, with no weapons, and unprotected." That certainly caught his attention because he just stared at me with no emotion. "I can't tell if you're cocky or just dumb as fuck."

"Protective over Emily," he finally mustered... There was something else about it, I get being protective over a partner and best friend, but there was something else that I couldn't quite place my finger on.

We finally arrived at the meeting room, "There she is, my most valuable art!"
Hey loves so sorry I've been gone recently, but here is part 8 and 9 to make up for it 😘

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