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~Y/N's POV~

The seemingly never-ending night was finally coming to an end. "So I sent the cars for you all, and this wouldn't have been possible without you all, so thank you once again for saving my company. " "Don't worry about it, we do this all the time, this is just the nicest reward we've gotten from doing it." David said while shaking y/n's hand.

"Agent Hotchner had to leave early so that leaves two available cars for you all. Is that okay?" "That's more than good, truly thank you for everything, you really give me a run for my money." He said making them both let out a chuckle.

"Is Emily already in the car?" He asked looking around, "Oh wait, I believe she mentioned riding with Derek and them so I'll be on my way. Take care of yourself kid, and please double-check before hiring any serial killers." "Don't worry Agent Rossi, I will" she said while closing his door.

Looking around she noticed that the others had already left for their hotel. This made y/n somewhat sad considering she never got to say goodbye to Emily. "Malika, can you help the kitchen with cleaning up, there are a few things I need to do before leaving this place," Y/N said as she went towards the upper level of the chateau.

-10 minutes later-

Checking all the restrooms Y/N arrived at the second ladies room in the east wing. "Shit" she heard a voice coming from inside the bathroom. To her surprise when she walked in she found Emily Prentiss adjusting her dress in the bathroom. "I thought you'd already left?" y/n said making Emily yelp.

"I'm going to guess they left without me?" Emily said while holding the back of her dress. Slightly chuckling y/n replied. "To be fair they each thought you were in the others' car." She held the back of the dress while removing a pin from her hair.

Her fingers gently brushed Emily's skin making Emily's breath hitch. "For one I don't understand why you're trying to fix the dress when you'll be taking it off soon." she took Emily's hand to guide it to the position that helped her gain access to fix the area.

Not realizing what she said y/n continued while Emily was at a loss for words. "Well it's a beautiful dress and I wouldn't want it to be ruined." She managed to muster out. "Don't worry about that, it was very last-minute tailoring, Frankly I'm surprised that it lasted this long without something happening to it.

With the final adjustments, y/n brushed her fingers along Emily's back to make sure nothing else was out of place. "Given that you are stranded here why don't you just come back to my place with me. " y/n offered while they walked out of the room. "Sure, but I thought all the cars left?" "They did." Emily just stared at her for a second. "Helicopter." y/n finally answered. Emily was all for it, the luxurious feeling she had overwhelmed her. She had almost forgotten what life was like while she lived under her mother's roof.


The view from the helicopter was marvelous, y/n never got tired of flying, it was a strong passion of hers that made her take up piloting as a hobby. Emily truly enjoyed the view of New York City at night, although she flies plenty in the jet, she never gets to fully absorb the view because they are always discussing morbid topics.

"Is there any specific reason for why you chose a helicopter as your transportation for the night?" Emily asked turning to y/n. "A. traffic is a bitch, and B. the view is much better from up here. Plus I love flying. I love it so much, I took up piloting as a hobby and am now a licensed pilot. The high is like no other, now don't get me wrong, I love walking around the city as well; but I always dreamt to touch the stars, and since I'm no astronaut, this is the closest thing I could get to being one with the sky." Noticing Emily hasn't said anything she looked back at her, "Shit, I was rambling, sorry about that."

Placing her hand on y/n's Emily said, "You know I've never seen someone's eyes' physically light up so much when talking about something they love dearly, please don't apologize, continue."

Hearing this made y/n's cheeks warm, she never really shared her love for flying with anyone, but with Emily it was different, she made her feel vulnerable. "So tell me, Emily Prentiss," she started drawing emphasis on -Prentiss- "is there any reason why you joined the BAU?" "It's quite simple really, A. I never was into politics, still not. B. I love being able to help people, especially the ones who have been thrown life's biggest challenges. Was my mother pleased when I told her, not in the slightest, but hell, eventually she'll learn to deal with it."

They continued with small talk until they finally arrived back at y/n's penthouse.


~Emily's POV~
They both weren't tired and decided to play a game.
" I don't know about you, but I could sure use a drink after this long night." "Count me in." Emily replied.

"Alexa, play late nights!"

Break on Monday by Ryan Trey was the first song that started to play.

"Ah, so you also have good music taste, what's not to love about you," Emily said as she took a sip of the drink that y/n handed to her.

Many drinks later and many different conversations later.

"So what's your family like?" Emily asked. "One brother, names' Claude, haven't seen him in two years, little sister, Lilah, lives with my dad. Parents divorced long ago." Y/n replied while taking a huge gulp of her drink.

"Dad?" "Biggest asshole I've ever had to deal with. You?" Emily practically inhaled her glass before pouring another cup, "dead, and mother, try to avoid as much as possible,"

"Dad may be the biggest dick, but mother, she's the purest angel I know." Both of them being drunk at this point Emily stood up. " A toast! To Dickhead Dad's, and the dad's that are dead!" Quick to her fear y/n chimed in "Cheers!"

They intertwined their arm with their drinks together and drank to that. Just as they finished their conversation "The Hills" by the Weekend started playing.

"Mhh I love this song, even though I can only think of one thing when it's playing," Y/n said with a chuckle as she walked to her kitchen sink with both their glasses in her hands.

"Lucky for you I'm right here." This made y/n laugh. But she was quick to realize Emily was joking. "Emily no, we're both drunk, and I don't want to take advantage of you."

"First of all, I'm willingly giving myself, so I consent, second, I have to leave in the morning and probably will never see you again." She said with a wink.

While still explaining all the other reasons, she neglected to notice y/n walking towards her. "And lastly-" she was cut off by y/n kissing her. It was a kiss full of lust, passion, and desire.

This was highly anticipated by both of them, non of them wanting to say it but implying it with the looks and small touches shared all night.

Sliding her hand to the back of her dress y/n swiftly undid the work she did earlier causing the dress to look at Emily's feet. "Absolutely ravishing," she said while looking her up and down. Pulling the pins out of her hair, y/n'was now free.

Guiding them to the closest mirror she could find Emily slowly undid y/n's dress having both of them facing the mirror. As she undid the collar of the dress she peppered firm kisses down her neck find the sweat spots as she went, causing y/n's breathing to become heavier.

Undoing the last of her dress, Emily took her hands allowing for her to step out of the dress. "She placed kisses up her neck trailing next to her ear. "Delectable" she said in a low whisper slightly grazing her teeth on y/n's ear.

Not being able to resist any longer y/n turned around practically dragging Emily to her bedroom with no hesitation.
Word count- 1417
Whew 😮‍💨 y'all thought you would have to wait another month huh 🤨? Yea that's what I thought.
Anyways loves, we finally moved on from the gala and things are finally looking up for these two. Let me know if there's anything you want to see! 🤍
As always love you lots! K.

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