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It's been more than a week, we spent that time searching. Yunho, Mingi, and Jongho visited all of the art galleries in the city, asking their curators and art directors if they knew anything about this painting style or the artist, but the answer was the same, no one knew. That didn't stop a couple of them from asking if they could buy the paintings for their exhibitions. It burned my hopes some. Well, there was still a chance to find something. After all, we searched online as well. Although we didn't get who knows how much there too. People either had no idea who created them. Or they were assuming those were the less famous artworks of famous western painters like Van Gogh, which was nuts. And, of course, there were some who wanted to purchase them like the galleries. With this difference, most proposals were coming from people who only saw them as aesthetically pleasing. My heart tensed, it hurt me. How could they view his artworks as colored canvas they could place in their homes simply to fill up the space? The purpose of artworks was to awaken any emotions within your being.

Honestly, I was about to give up on reading all those messages, yet, a voice in my head told me it wouldn't harm to check one more. I picked up a random one, written by a man, seemingly in his late 40s or early 50s. He was explaining how much he wished to buy some of the canvas. Because they held a great, sentimental attachment with him. At first, I assumed he was another scammer, however, the further I read I realized what he meant. In his message, he claimed to be a family member of the artist, an older brother. I couldn't be 100% certain if it was true or not by this note, so I wrote a reply to him. In it, I asked for anything he could tell me to prove everything he claimed was the truth. That happened during the morning.

For the afternoon I went to San's place again. They wanted to keep an eye on me and make me go out to meet people as much as possible. It was nice of them. So we hung out there, playing games, messing around, and pretty much anything most teens do. However, at some point, I felt my phone buzzing. It was another message from that mister earlier.

"What is it, you look anxious?" San asked me, sneaking a peek at my phone screen. "Oh, it's the man you told us about."

I nodded and looked at them, the three guys stared at me expecting me to say something. I cleared my throat and proceeded to read it, then Yeo cut me off before saying even a word.

"Wait! I have to call Jjong first," he said, there was some excitement in his voice when he mentioned Ho. Maybe Woo and San were right and he had a little crush on our golden vocal. Anyways, we waited for the call.

I began reading out loud everything. Inside the message, there were details about Hongjoong. Description of the boy and his atelier, he too mentioned his vanishing. We never shared about it online. The man gave us a bit of his personal information too, like his name, Kim Yong Hwan, and the fact he was from this town.

By the end of it, we discussed all of the information. Pros were more than cons. Cause those things were known only to people who have visited the place. Moreover, if the description of his was true, then that too. At some point, Yeo came up with the idea to ask Mrs. Choi. She knew the Kim family and could verify or deny it. We ran to her, luckily she was preparing dinner in the kitchen.

"What's up, kids?" she asked after seeing the four of us standing in line in front of her.

"Mom, what are the names of Kim's sons? The ones from Hwa's house," he questioned her because I felt too shy.

"Hmm..." she hummed before answering us. "I already told you the younger's name, Hongjoon. As for his older brother..." she made a pause and sighed dreamily. "Kim Yonghwan." the way she pronounced his name was filled with love.

"How they looked like?" San asked again, now having some suspicions towards his mom. Well, we all had. Perhaps that man was her teen crush.

She raised a brow at us. Reasonably she was really confused why we were asking those questions about them. Still, she didn't ask any questions.

"Hongjoong was short and thin, he was often changing hairstyles, you know the artistic type of person. Yonghwan, ah, he is a tall, elegant, handsome and strong, rather charismatic person." her voice totally described an old crush. "Everyone thought so about him," she quickly added while blushing. San didn't buy that at all, he frowned and got closer to her in an intimidating manner. She played confused. It was kinda funny to watch them from the sideline.

"Mom, did you date him?" he questioned her and she brushed in a laugh. Her face was even redder than before. To be honest, in her place I would have reacted the same way.

"Well, I wish I had, but he was already taken," she shared with us. "Now, stop with the questions and help me set the table. You will stay for dinner, right?" she glanced at the rest of us. We agreed and went to help cause San was still frozen in shock. Our poor friend found something new about his mom just now.

The dinner was fun and felt warm, it was refreshing. It helped me ease my mind and made me forget about everything burdensome. I could finally recharge all my energy.


Back at home, I sat down on the bed, looking at the beautiful portrait. Ah, his beauty was stunning as always! And that was the reason I felt this conflicted. I knew he was on bad terms with his family. I knew they were the reason for his suffering, but now I had to choose. His brother was the only trace I had, even if it felt as if betraying Joong. Forgive me, my dear. I thought before moving to action.

"Mr. Kim, thank you for Your previous email. I would like to meet You and personally hand you some of the artworks created by Your brother. Please, contact me about the date and location comfortable for You.

-Park Seonghwa"

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