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I froze in shock. This line wasn't there before. I've had read the diary so many times, and I knew that page was empty before. Furthermore, it had my name on it. Was it possible? Was he there for real?

"Hyung, are you ready?" San's voice took me out of my trance.

He stood on the door, holding a hammer in his hand. We planed to nail the door, but now it felt wrong. I turned to him and asked him to give me a minute more. He nodded and went to wait outside.

Once my friend was out, I took off the cover from the portrait and looked at the beautiful man. Are you in there for real? I asked in my mind. Was my mind playing tricks on me? No, I was sure the new page in his diary was a real one. So, he had to be in it. Somehow. Then, he knew how I felt towards him.

My eyes moved from his eyes to his soft-looking lips. I know I wasn't in my right mind for even considering it. I know it was weird. Yet, I leaned down to him and gently kissed his lips.

A moment later, I fell off the grown. Something, or rather someone, was on top of me. A pair of small hands held my face, soft lips pressed against mine, and warm tears wetted my face. When I opened my eyes, I saw a pale face. Hongjoong! Run in my head before squeezing his tiny body in my warm embrace. I couldn't tell if all was a dream or reality, but one was sure. I had no intentions of letting him go.

"Hyung! Are you okay?" WooSan stormed into the room. They probably heard the thud of our bodies.

We broke our kiss, but Hongjoong stayed stuck to me like a koala. That was alright with me. Anyways, I glanced at my friends who watched us, no less shocked than I was. They got closer to us and squatted down. Wooyoung poked my little koala with his finger.

"So, do we drop the plan?" Woo asked, disappointed. He sure wanted to seal that room, huh.

I glared at the troublesome child to warn him. Hongjoong was afraid enough. Even without his comments. San sensed it too. He patted his boyfriend's back, maybe a little stronger than usual. Then he turned to me, questions all over their faces.

"To be honest, guys, I have no idea what's going on," I answered the unspoken question, then looked at my beloved. "Can we get up?" I asked him using a soft, shooting voice.

He looked me in the eyes, still crying, then loosened his grip enough so we could get up. Now, back on our feet, I could take a better look at him. He was short and skinny, wearing a white shirt and black pants, and his feet were bare and probably cold. The sight of it made me dislike the idea of it, so I picked him up as a princess and held him close.

"Guys, I think it'll be better to go back to my room," I told my friends. They nodded understanding.

The four of us ended up sitting on the bed in my room, Hongjoong still clinging to me and crying. At this point, I could only comfort him and rock him like a baby. While doing so, I asked my friends if they could bring drinks and food from the kitchen. It could help us. They agreed and left the room for a couple of minutes. When they got out, I started talking in a gentle tone.

"It's alright, now. I'm here with you," I told the boy in my hands, placing a kiss on his forehead, the way mom did when I was little. "Please, stop crying. You are finally out." I continued.

He sniffled in tiny then our eyes met. His stunning beauty cut my breath. How could someone be this pretty even when crying? But that wasn't the point here. He lifted his face and attacked my lips. It was rather obvious, he was inexperienced, yet he wanted to kiss. I found it adorable.

"Excuse me, can you please stop and explain what's going on?" I heard Jongho's voice. Woosan came back, and San had called the rest of our group. Me and him blushed immediately. Then he returned to crying. Great! Now I had to think of another way to calm him down.

"Take your time," I said, patting his back. "Why don't you eat or drink something first?" he nodded. We watched him slowly take one of the glasses of water and a sandwich. Then he stuffed the sandwich in his cheeks like a squirrel. Adorable. I thought and turned to my friends to tell them my part of the story.

"So what happened?" Yeosang asked, standing next to Jongho. I had no idea when he went there nor why he did.

I told most of what happened to my friends. They, of course, gave me a suspicious look, yet at this point, there wasn't another side of the story. So I stood there, still holding the tiny squirrel. He listened to everything, nodding in agreement before returning to the food. He was indeed starving.

"Hyung, you didn't just fall on each other. You guys were making out on the floor," Woo opened his big loud mouth out of nowhere. I blush glared at him. He bit his lips, knowing he messed up. Ah, this damn kid!

Anyways we continued discussing all that happened, Hongjoong reminded silent. He was crying softly on my shoulder. I could do nothing to calm him down cause nothing seemed to work but, I stood there holding him tight. At some point, he fell asleep. I guess he was tired.

"Guys, let's leave it for tomorrow," I told them, gently patting his back.

My friends understood what I meant. They got up and to their things then walked to the door. San stopped in the doorway, looking at me. There was something more he wanted to say. I could see it.

"Hyung, what about your parent? Won't they find it strange he's here?" he asked me. I hummed, remembering what they told me last night.

"Don't worry, they will be out of the town for a couple of days," I answered him. Sanie nodded then the couple said their goodbyes and left. I was finally alone with him. My dear!

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