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I moved my eyes towards Hwa. He had noticed my hyung too. But on his face was written a shocked or rather a terrified expression. Seeing him this way gave me anxiety. I want back home, my mind yelled at the body. Every centimetre of my being desperately wanted to run away and not look back. Yet, I reminded still. I couldn't just hide, not when hyung was right in front of me.

Soenghwa grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to himself. His strong grip was painful enough to take me out of my trans. Thanks to the pain, I noticed hyung was walking towards me. The face he was making, I've never seen it before. To me, it was a combination between hope, joy and horror. I just took a guess mine wasn't any better. Every step he took closer, I felt my stomach twisting painfully.

Before realizing it, he was standing in front of me. His hand reached for mine. He took it out of Seonghwa's grip. Feeling my brother's touch after so many years was weird, it sent shivers down my spine. His dark eyes stared at my tiny birthmark. Then out of nowhere, he hugged me tight, like never before. The shock was too strong, I needed a second before returning the hug. My eyes were burning with forming tears.

"My little brother!" he whispered in my ear, his soft voice cracking. "I missed you!"

"Me too, hyung, me too," I cried in response.

At this moment, nothing else but the two of us existed. Or so I felt until Hwa put a hand on my back, rubbing gently. I had to pat hyung so he could let go of me. He stepped back, still holding my shoulders. Both of us were crying a bit. My heart ached to see him like this.


Seeing him felt like seeing a ghost. Maybe I'm hallucinating? I thought at first. But he was there with that boy I met before, Seonghwa, and they were holding hands. Even more, he was staring at me in shock. It was my younger brother, it must be him. And I had to go to him. My legs moved on their own.

Soon I stood in front of him, holding his hand. The birthmark was there. My little squirrel! After seeing it, I couldn't hold back. He was now in my embrace.


Nothing of what I saw made any sense to me. Both men in front of me were holding each other tight. Their faces were overly emotional ready to crash, still happy. I, on the other hand, was confused as hell. A well-known unpleasant burning feeling was burning me inside out, jealousy. Not to mention, the upcoming anger caused by my baby's teary eyes. I could do nothing but get closer and wrap my arm around his waist, pulling him closer. A possessive move, I admit. Yonghwan-nim noticed it, backing out right away.

"How is that even possible? You haven't aged even a bit!?" Yonghwan-nim asked Hongjoong, ignoring my sharp stare.

"It's a long story, but I'm back, hyung," Joongie cried, warm tears falling down his face. I reached my hand to wipe away his tears.

After that, the older man started asking all sorts of questions about Joong. He asked him where he was staying so far. Or what he planned for later on when my parents come back. To be honest, even I hadn't even thought about it. To the sight of our uneasiness, he offered Joong to stay at his apartment here in the town. Or if he prefered in the city. He probably, suggested it cause he was going back soon. That got me all sweating, so was Hongjoon. He turned his head, giving me a worried look.

"I want to be close to Seonghwa," he smiled a little, trying to hide the nervousness. His brother nodded and turned to me as well.

"Take good care of my little squirrel," he smiled, patting my shoulder the same way a father would do when giving his daughter into marriage. "Contact me if there's anything you need, okay?" followed, we nodded understanding.

Yonghwan-nim then asked us if we wanted to grab some coffee or lunch together, of course, the question included Woosan. His crush on Mrs Choi was way too obvious. Even Joong found it funny and fist-bumped his brother, giving him that teasing look. Adorable. Yet, when we were about to head to the cafe, San's mom showed up behind the man. She was there frozen like a statue, staring at Hongjoong in disbelieve. Her face was pale like snow.

"Kim Hongjoong?! How is that even possible??" she mumbled, her lips were trembling not less than her whole body. At this moment, Yonghwan-nim put a hand on her shoulder and made her look into his eyes.

"Byeol, that's my son," he said, dropping the bomb. All of us now were stoned. Could she believe the clear lie?

"Your son? But you said nothing about a son," she said, calmer now. The lie seemed successful.

"Because he was in Europe until now. To be honest, even I had no idea he was coming back" the man made a quick excuse. "I know he looks a lot like my brother, doesn't he?" the man giggled nervously. It was hard to take his lies seriously, but she did. Probably for her was more believable the idea of an identical-looking son than the one of a returned deadman.

"I apologize for my behaviour," Mrs Choi gave him a warm smile. "I'm Choi Byeol, San's mother." well, she still observed him in slight disbelief.

"Oh, so you are dad's girlfriend and... San's mother? It's a pleasure to meet you!" he took her hand in his and kissed it. I could be burning with jealousy if it wasn't for the funny faces both adults made. After that, they started making different excuses and so on. Again, Hongjoong and Wooyoung tried to hold back our laugh when San was pissed off. We had to make an excuse and leave them. It was such a mess. Still, we managed our way out for now.



Songhwa has been behaving weirdly ever since hyung mentioned I could stay at his place. He was holding me close, being overprotective and even possessive. Was he bothered by hyung's suggestion? Yes. It bothered me too, but he had a point. Once Hwa's parents were back, I couldn't stay here. He knew it well. For now, we could enjoy our reminding time together.

Happy new year

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