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"Where am I?" I asked, looking around. It was way too dark to see a thing. But I could sense something or someone was moving around. I tried adapting to this darkness. It took me some time, but I could finally see a little better. That was when I saw the dark grey hand reaching for me. It grabbed me.

"Useless boy!" I heard a woman's voice echoing around me. "Useless!" listening to that voice felt painful.

Then I felt another hand grabbing me. And one more. The touch of those hands felt burning hot. Cold sweat broke on my forehead. I tried to fight them off. One or two of those hands fell I heard their thud.

"Fool! You can't even set yourself free!" the voice laughed in the distance before a couple more hands to grab me. But this time, I noticed the hands were attached to chains.

I pulled and fought. Yet it seemed pointless. For every fallen hand, two new ones were replacing it. My body got hotter and hotter. I was burning alive, and there was no saving from this nightmare. Or so I thought until I saw him. It was Seonghwa. He was standing there, covered in soft light, just two steps from me. His arms were open for me, releasing cool and some sort of comfort. Just by standing there, he made the disgusting voice disappear.

"Come to me, Joongie, I'll protect you," he told me with a shooting voice.

His voice made me fight more against those restraining hands around me. And they were letting go of me, easier than before. To the sight of this Seonghwa smiled hopefully. I was almost there, in his safe light. But that was too good to be true. Just before I could reach him, new hands grabbed onto my ankles. They were dragging me away from him. A painful look showed on his face, a second before a pair of female hands to wrap around his head, twisting it hard. The hard cracking sound echoed in the darkness. Hot tears filled up my eyes.

"Hahaha, stupid child!" the woman laughed at me. "Did you think I'll let you go just like that? Such a full!" she hissed, this time I heard it in my ear. "Look at you, all alone on the ground."

That was when I woke up, jumping out of bed. My whole body was covered in a cold sweat. I could barely breathe. What kind of nightmare was that? And why I was missing him so much at the moment?! I had no idea. But I reached for my phone, turning it on to see his face. For some reason, that made me calm down a little. Still, it wasn't enough. I felt the need to hear his voice.



Early in the morning, I got a call. It was Hongjoong. He was breathing heavily. It worried me. Did something happen to my baby? I asked myself.

"Hongjoong? Are you okay?" I spoke. Of course, he wasn't okay! I heard a cry on the other side. "Should I come to you, babe?" I asked him softly.

There was a pause and a couple of sniffles. My protective instincts sharpened. He was in danger, and I couldn't help him. I felt useless.

"Open the door, please," he sniffled on the phone.

I jumped straight(gay) out of bed, running downstairs. Opening the door, I saw him. He was in his pyjama, tears running down his face. I couldn't hold back but hug him tight. He hugged me back, holding me as if his life depended on it. Now I could only shoot him down. I lifted him enough so he could warp legs around my waist. Then we walked in.

Once in my room, I made sure to text Yonghwan-nim. Otherwise, he would worry. When I finished, Hongjoong looked at me with his big wet eyes. My heart ached at the sight of it. I tried to wipe them off and calm him down. My fingers were gently sliding on his wet skin, lips softly kissing his forehead. He moved his head lower on my chest. I guessed that he wanted to hear my heartbeat. I left him be, just patted his head lightly.

"It's okay, baby," I spoke in his hair. "I'll keep you safe." the boy trembled and sniffled, to the sound of my voice, hugging me tighter.

I left out a sigh then decided to sing him a song. Maybe that could help him calm down. I took a deep breath, singing the lyrics of the song called If without you. I thought that song was suitable for him and soft enough.



I had no idea when I fell asleep. But when I woke up, I was in his hands. For some reason, this made me feel at ease. His soft breathing and heartbeat felt relaxing. Laying on his chest, I heard a small change, indicating he was awake. I looked up at him, seeing his bright smile, and I swear, I could see a halo glowing around him. A God!

"Do you feel better?" his sleepy voice melted me. I nodded, unable to speak. He smiled at me before kissing me. We stayed cuddling for a little longer before my stomach growled. After hearing that, Seonghwa offered to make us breakfast. I agreed, and we went down to the kitchen, where I watched him cooking. It was kinda sexy.


"Do you have any plans for today?" he asked me while we were washing the dishes. I looked over at him, smiling.

"I want to draw some," I responded, thinking over the conception of my work. "Do you have some blank paper and pencils?" I asked him next.

"Sure, there are a lot in the attic's atelier," he responded, making me confused. He saw that confusion and explained it to me. "Didn't your dad tell you? This place was his childhood home. There's an atelier, left by your family."

What?! That was dad's home? So that meant the atelier was my uncle's, didn't it? I got all curious to see the place now. I glanced over Seonghwa with shining eyes, asking to show me the place. He giggled, wiped his hands and took mine in his. We went all the way upstairs to a small room full of art materials and the feeling of great creating spirit. It was mesmerizing. It made me rush and draw.

"Hwa, can you sit on the window frame?" I asked him. He nodded and sat there. "Okay, lean on the frame and lift your leg on it. Now, relax your arm on the knee and hand over your lips. Great! Please look this way," I positioned him the way I saw him in my head before grabbing paper and pencil.

Sketching him felt like a fever. My body was burning from all the passion and inspiration. It didn't take me long. Soon I was done with the sketch, and I could move on to the next step. I got up from my chair and went to pick up a canvas. There was one labelled 100x68cm I thought would be great for this work. My passion took over me. I had no idea what was going on while I was working.

A/n: My apologies, I'll take a week break due sickness. Hope you all stay healthy and happy🥺🥺🥺

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