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Beautiful spring day, a perfect time for a date. We were sitting outside in the garden, having breakfast. The warm sun was gently kissing our skin, making him sneeze. Ah, such a delicate baby! I thought, smiling at him. He smiled back, reaching his hand for mine. His tiny fingers slipped in between, grabbing my hand. The touch of his skin was soft yet a little dry. And that pleasant warmth our bodies were exchanging. I felt peaceful.

"Today's so nice~," I said, watching him lovingly.

At this moment, I noticed some worry in his eyes. A strong wind came out of nowhere, a bunch of dark clouds covered the sun. Everything around turned greyish. What's going on?! Ran in my head. I concentrated on Hongjoong, his beautiful smile now replaced by a painfully cold face. The light behind his eyes was now gone. He dropped my hand. A chill appeared deep in my heart.

"It's time to leave you..." he murmured, standing up from his seat. I followed his movements. "Goodbye, my love."

I stood there in disbelief. My heart, felt as if stabbed with a knife. How could Joongie say those cruel words? I had no time to think about it because he was already walking towards the forest. I chased after him. But no matter how much I ran, it was useless. He was getting further and further. Yet, before disappearing into the woods, he stopped turning heat to me. That's when I noticed our surroundings. Beautiful fluffy snow, under his feet a puddle of ruby blood. His eyes were in matching colour.

"Find me in next life," he told me before vanishing in thin air. He was gone.

I opened my eyes to find myself in my bed, covered in a cold sweat. Panicking, I searched around for the boy. He was missing. The unpleasant chill in my heart spread. Starting to feel myself panic again. He couldn't be missing! He just couldn't! He had to be somewhere around. He had to be close.

I rushed around the house, trying to find him. With every empty room, I checked my breathing got faster and harder. In contrast with my almost stopped heart. He wasn't in the house. I had to check outside too. But there was no trace for his absence, except the missing doc boots he had. I fell on my knees. That heavy feeling of a hand, holding around my neck, tightened, choking me to the point My body collapsed on the floor. I couldn't breathe. Where are you?

It took me some time to come back to myself, still panicked, yet I could think a bit clearer now. It was enough to contact WooSanSang. I tried to explain everything to them quickly, and we could organize it as soon as possible. And we did. Within fifteen minutes, we were all together with a plan where each of us could search.


Once we got together we had to cut in four and search our given areas. I got the one around mom's place. Of course, because I knew it the best of us all. I walked around, checking up every space he could fit in, thanks to hyung's small size that widened the list. I was asking all uncles, aunts and elders from the shops. None of them had seen the boy. I was at the end of my area. About to give it up when I saw him. Well, not the one I was looking for but his older brother.

"Yo, Ajushi!" I yelled from across the street, running towards the man.

"Oh, San-ah, how can I help you?" he responded, smiling. That damn smile! Calm down, San, it's not the time for this.

"Hongjoong went missing. Have you seen him?" I said. This instant, his face went all dark as if someone had died. "Or do you have any idea where to look for him?"

"I'm not sure. Can you tell me more details on how that happened?" he asked. His voice was barely coming out.

Now I felt awful for him. It was the second time where his brother went missing with no trace. So I proceeded to explain all Seonghwa told us. I tried to be quick and go to someone to help them with their area. When I finished talking, the man grabbed my shoulder.

"Call your friends, tell them we need to search the forest," he said. So I did as he told me. I called them and told them to rush back to hyung's place. After, the man dragged me whit him to his car.


Of course, it was the forest! Why didn't I think about that earlier? Stupid Seonghwa! I rushed back home to meet the rest waiting there. They gave me a concerned look before, all of us to follow the little path to going behind the house. Yonghwan-nim was leading us down the road until we reached a cross path.

"We should separate. Seonghwa, you are with me. You guys can go by yourself on the other ways, right?" he asked. They nodded before we took off.

I followed the man close by. Neither of us was talking. We just looked around between the trees, trying to spot the tiny boy. No success. Not until we walked some more to a small meadow. There under an old tree, was laying the tiny body of my beloved. I sprinted towards him, falling on my knees, holding his body in mine. There was some blood on his hands. They were all scratched up, and one of his nails was missing.

"Hoongjoong, wake up!" I gently told him, shaking his body. "Wake up, my dear, we found you," I continued.

The boy frowned in his sleep before slightly opening his eyes. I hugged him tight then took a better look at his face. He seemed confused, switching glances between me, and his brother.

"Who are you?" he asked me. My heart cracked. "Do you know me?"

I glanced at the man behind us. He understood my worry and got closer to help me. The man reached his hand, placing it on Joong's shoulder. The boy moved his eyes to his brother.

"How much do you remember?" he asked, concerned.

"Only my name, Kim Hongjoong," hearing that we shared looks, letting out sighs. How could this even happen in the first place?

"I'm your father, Kim Yonghwan. And this is..." the man paused. Joong looked at me curiously.

"I'm your boyfriend, Seonghwa." the words came out painfully, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

The boy nodded, showing no emotion on his face. It hurts. I thought before the man's suggestion to go back to my place, where we could talk more comfortably. And call our friends.

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