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"Sangie-ah, my love~" I sang over the phone.

"What do you want, Wooyoung-ah?" he asked me, his voice was still sleepy.

"Can I borrow some of your stuff? It's for the miracle boy," I asked him, waiting for his irritated groan on the other side. "Yay! Love you~!"

He hung up the phone. Ah, cold, just like him. But he was alright with it. Good, cause I already took whatever we needed from his place. Hehehe. And now I was standing in front of Seonghwa's house.


I need a break! Run in my head when I heard the loud banging on the front door. Of course, Wooyoung and San stood there, in front of me early in the morning. They didn't even wait for my invitation to get in, just walked inside. It couldn't get helped when they felt at home in my place.

Both went straight to my room, as expected. Both ran in all loud and mighty, didn't care about my dear still sleeping. Or so I thought. Hongjoong sat on our bed, observing the three of us. His beautiful eyes stared at me when he smiled warmly. The boy jumped out of bed, coming for a hug. Adorable!

"Umm, excuse me, we are here too," Woo said, patting Joong's shoulder. My minion turned head, taking a faint look at our loud friend, then nodded. He was this clingy only towards me.

"Anygays, we brought some stuff you might need," San spoke next. He gave us a large black bag. Inside of it, there were clothes and two pairs of shoes.

"Who's clothes are those?" Hongjoong asked them, having some suspicions. I had some as well, to be honest.

"Mine and Sangie's! I thought hyung's would be too big for you," Woo said, giving us a dirty look. He couldn't hold back from making double meant comments. "After all, you don't want to look bad when we go out, right?" he added.

Did I hear it right? Going out?! Only the sound of it made me anxious. What would happen if Hongjoong got a breakdown outside? Or if he met someone who remembered him and they did something horrible? Or what if... never mind. I knew my worries were groundless. The moment I saw the bright excitement in his eyes. He wanted to go outside. The only hesitant person to begin whit, was me, I and myself.

"Can we?" the three of them turned to me, noticing my concerns. Hongjoong played dirty by using puppy eyes.

"Sure. But first, breakfast," I answered the question, sighing.



"I'm done!" I told Seonghwa, pushing my empty plate towards him. "I'll go dress up," said next. He was about to say something, but I was already on my way upstairs.

I put the clothes on the bed to see what I had and how could I combine them. Observe the materials and the colours. I thought of possible options. In the end decided to go with the blue turtleneck, black t-shirt with print, light blue jeans, denim jacket, glasses and a bucket hat. Most of those were fitting well enough. Yet, the jeans were a little wide. I had to take a belt from Seonghwa's stuff. Now, the outfit was complete. Hmmm, it always could be better. Still, I had no idea what was missing here. Maybe a hot boyfriend?

"Seonghwaaa~" I called his name. He rushed to me within a second, having that parental, worried look. I smiled at him to show him everything was alright. "What do you think?" I asked, showing him the outfit.

"You look great!" he told me, checking me out from head to toe, then bit his lip in that sexy way. "You look great..." repeated in a flirty tone.

Hwa walked closer to me, reaching a hand to my face. His touch was as gentle as the lips that kissed me. I felt the butterflies in my stomach rising hands, reaching for his waist to pull our bodies closer. I want more... And he cut it off a little bit before it got serious. Park Seonghwa, you are killing me!

"Should I change too?" asked me so he could chase away the awkwardness. I took a good look at him, up and down. He indeed needed change. I went to his closet and took a few stuff out. A pair of black pants, a white shirt, and a leather jacket. I gave them to him. He stared at me. It took me a second to realize he was uncomfortable or maybe shy. I walked out of the room and waited.


Going out of the house after so many years felt great. Everything well-known was now completely different. The place I grew up in was unfamiliar to me to the point San and Wooyoung had to lead me around. I didn't mind it this way I could walk by Hwa's side, holding hands. Perfect.

Our tour went all over the place, ending near the flower shop of Byeol, San's mother. It was weird for me, knowing that my brother's childhood crush, was now a mother. Furthermore, she was his mother. And San had to stop by his her place for a bit. So I and Seonghwa had to stay at some distance because she could recognize me. We decided to stay in the alley on the side of it.

"Gimme a kiss," I pouted at Hwa, pulling him by the belt. He bit his lips, checked around and leaned down for a kiss. But what I got was just a little peck on the lips. If he planned to take it slow, I had to be more aggressive for him to understand me. Holding him close, sucking and biting his sweet lips, I did it all to show him. Hwa finally understood the assignment. He relaxed his body, returning my efforts. Butterflies filled my stomach once again my knees felt weak. His hand slipped over my waist for support. His touch was soft yet a little rough. That turned me on, making me moan under his touch.

We'd been making out for a while when Woosan came back, interrupting us. It was alright cause I got a lot for now. But what was wrong was San. His face was grim as if someone had died. Even Wooyoung couldn't cheer him up. It made me worried.

"What happened?" I asked Wooyoung, knowing San would never answer.

"Oh, apparently a guy is flirting with his mom, and he was there just now," he explained short. I nodded, even I had no idea how that could feel. Probably not so good.

"Give him a chance, that man looks like a good person," Hwa patted his shoulder. I agreed with him then we proceeded to walk out of the alley back to the main street. Just before walking out of it, I spotted something. The back of a man, the back I could never mistake no matter how many years had passed. And the man, feeling the pressure of my stare, turned to me. Our eyes met. Eyes I've been looking at for 19 years. Hyung.

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