15 Final

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I sat there observing Joong, who was working passionately. Watching him was incredible. The air around him was completely different. He had a serious, concentrated expression. It was kind of sexy, tho. His eyes were barely blinking, and when he glanced at me, I felt butterflies in my stomach. His gorgeous sharp eyes were piercing me. I never knew he could be like this. His hyper fixation made me speechless, separated between my wish to observe him and the one to kiss him. It's not time to be horny, Seonghwa. I scolded myself.

At some point, my motherly instincts got triggered. A lot of time had passed, and he didn't take a break even once. Observing him, I noticed he was gulping hard on his saliva. His eyes were turning red. It worried me a lot. So I spoke to him.

"Babe, let's take a little break," I said softly, taking him out of his trans.

He blinked a couple of times, blushed and nodded. I grinned. His confused blushing face was adorable. Ah, I wanted to squish him so badly, yet I held back. Or so I wished. I went to him, taking his squishy face in my hands, giving him a forehead kiss.

It took me some time to prepare drinks and snacks for my baby. When I returned to his atelier, he sat on the chair, spacing out into the void. Approaching him carefully, I placed the plate on the table and tapped his shoulder. He slightly jumped, turning to me. His eyes were indeed red.

"Thanks," he told me, taking the tea mug I brought. The tiny way he was drinking and eating were heartwarming.

"For you, always," I smiled.

After our short break, we returned to work. I made sure to keep track of his condition. So he wouldn't overwork himself. Someone had to take care of him cause he couldn't do it himself. Perfect for me.


Looking at my work, I was satisfied and not, at the same time. I did a good portion of the work. But still, I had this feeling it wasn't enough. It wouldn't be enough until I finished.

Seonghwa got me out of my thoughts by patting my shoulder. He was talking on the phone with dad. He couldn't call my phone. It was dead, so he called Hwa. I listened to their conversation a bit. He gave me the phone, dad seemed mad.

"Kim Hongjoong, don't you dare leave like that ever again!" I heard his concerned and strict voice.

"Yes, dad," I answered, rolling my eyes. Seonghwa saw it and couldn't help but giggle. Damn, even his giggling was sexy. I blushed at that thought and tried to concentrate on the conversation.

"I'll come to pick you up in 30minutes, okay?" he said. His voice was a lot softer. "Be ready by then," and he hung up.

Returning his phone, I thought about something. So when he took it. I got closer, warping my hands around him. At first, he was confused by my actions. But quick enough returned the hug. It felt warm and full with his love for me. Now I knew. My safe place was in his arms. Only there do I feel fully protected. Even if I got strangled in the warmth of his love, that was alright.


At home, I felt restless. The only things I could think about were my work and Seonghwa. So after some time, I decided to sketch some ideas in those empty sketchbooks I had around. At a point, I used my uncle's art as inspiration and reference. His sketches of butterflies and flowers were great. They gave me a lot to think about, so much that my head was about to explode. That made me spend the whole night working.


The next morning, I found Hongjoong on my door again. He had deep dark circles under his eyes and deadly pale skin. Not asking any questions, I took him in and dragged him to the couch. There we sat down, and I made him lay on my lap.

"Didn't you sleep last night?" I asked him.

"No, I was too busy with work and you" okay, that was a smooth answer.

"Then now it's time for a nap," I said, covering his eyes with my hand.

He didn't argue with me about it. Just fell asleep right away. As for me, I watched him sleep, gently petting his fluffy hair. That continued for two or three hours. Then he woke up. It was like watching a tiny kitten, unbearable cute. He was yawning and stretching like one.


We repeated the same as yesterday. I sat there posing for him, while he was painting me. For now, he was taking more time picking up the colours and mixing them. The atmosphere was a little different than before. Now I had the feeling that he was here, him before the memory loss. The man I fell in love with at first sight. It gave me some hopes that he started remembering, but it frightened me too. What if he remembered all the bad things that happened to him? Well, even if those memories came back, I would be with him to protect him.


A year later:

"Babe, we'll be late if you don't let go!" I scolded Hongjoong, who was sitting on my lap. He giggled at me, leaning closer for a kiss.

"I know. But how can I when my boyfriend look so fine?" he whined like a spoiled kid. It was my fault. I spoiled him so much.

"Yes, yes, same goes for me. But it's your first exhibition in a big gallery!" I argued.

This time he gave up and got up from me. He turned his back to me. The half skirt he wore flew around his gorgeous peach. Instinctively my hand grabbed his squishiness. He jumped from the surprise. Before glaring at me. His eyes were strict, so cute. Anygays, we proceeded to wrap it up and went out on our way.

In the past year, we walked a long way to reach here. We were living together, Joong was working as a successful young artist. I was studying at a good university. Our friends were close by. And today, it was his debut on the big stage of art. Everything was perfect.

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