I cant look

597 26 9

"Linda Davidson?" The doctor says.

We've been in the waiting room in the ICU all night.

They have done so many tests on Bran, it was horrible.

"Yes" Linda whimpers as she stands up from her chair.

"Let's go somewhere more private shall we?" He asks with a grim expression on his face.

"Okay" Linda says as she forces her legs to stumble towards the beige room the doctor was making his way towards.

"Kam, you can go back and see him now." Linda says with a strained smile.

I watch as they make their way down the long hallway.

I get up from my seat.

My back cracks loudly in several places and I look around and see some mothers with toddlers staring at me with a semi-disgusted look on their face.

I roll my eyes and ignore them as I make my way to the doors.

In the ICU you have to buzz in and everything and then the people inside open the lock and you can go in.


"Can I help you?" Asks a feminine voice from the intercom on the outside of the doorframe.

"Kamberlyn Carter, I'm here to see Bran Davidson." I choke out.

My throat was sore, from crying I guess.

"One moment please," she says and turns off the intercom.


The door unlocks and slowly opens.

I walk up to the receptionist, the same lady that let me in I think.

"Could you tell me what room he's in?" I ask in a throaty voice, I'm sure she thinks I've smoked a few packs today.

"409" she says quickly. She didn't even look down at the paper! That is a good memory!

"Thank you," I chortle and walk down the hallway.

I'm about three quarters of the way down when I realize, I'm standing in front of 428.

"Good heck," I groan and start walking back down the hallway to Brans room, this time actually paying attention to the
numbers on the door. 409.

'Maybe I should just go back into the waiting room until I know what's going on' I think to myself.

Im still standing in front of the door.

An elderly couple walks down and I move aside so that they can go past.

They smile, as if they aren't sitting around in a hospital waiting to die right now.

I smile back, even though it felt like more of a grimace.

'We can do it, just open the door Kam' I say to myself.

I grip the handle.

I sit there for five minutes, just holding onto the handle.

I turn it.

Another five minutes pass, I want to know what happened so bad, I want to see him so bad, and at the same time, I know that if I go in there, and I see him, and I hear the diagnosis, I won't be able to keep telling myself that's it's probably nothing, if I go in, it will be like admitting that there is something seriously wrong.

I swing the door open, and stand for a second with my eyes closed, gripping the door frame, wanting to turn
around and never look back, but needing to stay, to see.

I open my eyes.

"Oh my gosh." I gasp.

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