4 - Get Out

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Caitlin has been preparing for an escape for a few days now. She was in bed and her husband was sleeping next to her. She went to the bathroom and got changed into some sweatpants and put a jacket on. She put a water bottle over the toilet seat.

She snuck out of the bathroom and took one last look at her husband before walking out of their bedroom and going into their daughter's room. She removed the big teddy's to reveal two duffel bags and then she woke up Ellie.

Outside they're house there was Kara, Wells and her other friend Cisco. They were waiting for her to come out. Caitlin picked up her daughter who just fell right back asleep on Caitlin's shoulder. One last time she looked into her bedroom and her husband wasn't there. She knew that she had to act fast so she went to the door, careful not draw any attention to herself. She was at the front door when she heard squeaks, looking around one more time and she saw nothing. She was going to miss everything she had but she wanted to be happy, she wasn't happy here. She was about to open the door when Jay came out of hiding and pulled her hair back. "No!" Caitlin said unable to fight back with her daughter in her arms.

"Put her down" he said still grabbing her hair and Caitlin did as he instructed. He punched her so she was on the ground again and now he kicked her in the stomach repeatedly.

"I think we should go in" wells said

"He'd be crazy if we woke him up, plus she will flick the lights if anything's wrong" Kara said. They heard her groan but wasn't full sure until they heard something smash. Kara, Cisco and Wells all got out of the car and Wells brought a baseball bat with him. Even though Caitlin wasn't his actual daughter he still lover her like one. They claimed over the gate and broke in via the back door. All three of them entered the living room and turned the light on, they saw Jay had a gun and pointed it at all of them.

"Another step and you're dead" Jay said. Kara looked around the room and saw Ellie asleep on the couch and Caitlin on the floor with her eye shut.

"Oh my god" She exclaimed pushing past Wells so she could see if her best friend was alive. Wells and Cisco were going to go near her but Jay got closer to them with the gun.

"You've broken into our house" Jay said

"She's alive" Kara said

"The lights are still out I could have shot you free and clear because I couldn't see who you were" Jay said

"Please" Wells says and Jay shot a warning shot next to his head. Both Wells and Cisco ducted in fear. The sound woke Caitlin up and Kara was right there next to her.

"Ellie" Caitlin said

"She's here" Kara said and made sure that Caitlin was okay.

"We're happy to leave Jay" Wells said "with Caitlin and Ellie. Make no mistake if you keep them here I will go straight to the police, who will surely arrest you"

Jay came closer to Wells who didn't show how scared he really was. He held the gun close to Wells' face and put his arm around Well's neck to bring him closer so he can whisper "I didn't want to say this in front of everyone, but your just a rug-head. If you go to the cops it's her word against mine. They will find drugs all over the house and in her car, whatever. Trust me on that, I'll have custody of Ellie by the end of the week"

"No, no" Caitlin said sitting up "Help me I got to get her out of here" Caitlin said to Kara.

"Okay, enough, get up, get up!" Jay said to Caitlin and Kara. While Jay was distracted with Caitlin, Wells grabbed Ellie from the couch so she was in his arms. Jay kept the gun pointed at him and Wells knew that he wouldn't do anything to hurt his daughter.

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