Chapter 10

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"I can't," She shook her head. "Can you please?"

Sean opened the door and froze seeing Janie looking at him in shock and distress. "Actually, a family emergency has came up. I'll be in for a later shift. I don't care, something has came up, I'm needed at home, family first. I don't care." Sean hung up the phone and frowned, "What's wrong Pookie?"

"Come on Luv," Michael rubbed her arms up and down, "We will help you tell them." They headed back inside and she clutched the back of Michael's shirt as he led her into the living room following Sean.

"Hey, everything okay?" Axel asked. "I thought you got called into the hospital."

"I told them I would be in later," Sean said setting his bag down and started taking his white coat off. "Pookie is upset."

"Tell them Girly," David said softly as William sat her in his lap.

"I don't know if I can," She said softly. "It's so hard."

"Tell us about Oliver?" Nathan asked trying to help gently lead her into whatever was upsetting her.

"I met Oli in high school. I was a freshman and he was a junior," She smiled softly. "He was the complete opposite of me. There I was a Goth and this tall blonde haired blue eyed man strode over to me with his three friends following. He was so polite and kids and it threw me for a loop. I tried to keep a distance from them but they managed to weasel their way past all my walls."

"What can we say?" Stephen chuckled, "you caught our eyes, we were entranced."

"You are ridiculous," She smiled softly. "Anyway, you were persistent for sure. I was going through a really hard time in my life, very dark time. My blood family hated everything about me because I was so different from them. They made it their life mission to constantly remind me how unwanted I was both from them and anyone else due to me being different."

"We made it our mission to show her that even if she liked different things than anyone else," David nodded. "Her family really fucked with her mind so it was difficult but we were determined."

"You succeeded in your mission," She smiled softly as she absentmindedly played with William's fingers.

"Before we really realized it, we went from a group of four to a group of five and boy did you straighten out some of our bad quirks," Michael chuckled.

"You helped with mine so it was meant to be," She shrugged. "All of you made it possible for me to leave at 16 and stay with you."

"Leave at 16?" Owen asked curious and she nodded.

"Let's just say Munchkin was 95 pounds and had three nervous breakdowns in a span of six months," Stephen said as memories came back. "We also had to enforce a no knives rule for a bit."

"Seriously?" Sean asked and they nodded.

"But we eventually got her back to health and showed her how wrong her so called family was," William said noticing she was starting to drift off to sleep. "Anyway, since we were already living together we had her move in with us and right after we graduated her and Oliver decided to get married. She did get some grief for being married while still in high school but she persevered and supported all of us when we joined the Air Force. She was so excited when we were placed in the same unit and stayed in contact with all of us as much as possible."

"She had a passion for baking and would send us care packages as much as possible. The other wives and others on base soon learned and started requesting sweets from her as well and with our guidance and encouragement she started Janie's Magical Creations Sweet Shop," Michael said softly watching her sleep peacefully.

"I loved that shop," Luke whispered excitedly. "We would order from there all the time, we were upset when it shut down."

"She shut it down after Oliver was killed. We had a lot of guilt since Hades was with us at the time escorting the women and children but she helped us see that Oliver would have wanted it that way. After we healed we made sure to bring the both of them home with us," William said sadly.

"Right before the funeral service she pulled us to the side and told us that she found out she was three months pregnant. She had said they were trying when he came home for a visit. She was wanting to surprise him but then she had incredible guilt because he never got to know," David said after clearing his throat. "We promised we would be there for her like always."

"We were following right behind her as we were leaving the funeral when it happened," Michael cleared his throat and shifted her slightly so she could hear his heartbeat better. "Hades was in William's car. The light turned green and she went then she was T-boned and hit directly head on."

"What?" Sean asked shocked.

"Drunk driver," David said through clenched teeth. "Car rolled four times right before our eyes."

"She barely made it," Stephen said after unclenching his jaw, "while he walked away without a scratch."

"She lost the baby, didn't she?" Sean asked and they nodded.

"It destroyed her, we almost lost her both from the accident and from her depression," William said. "She is still recovering even after all this time. She was suppose to have another appointment yesterday and I'm guessing she either didn't go or received bad news."

"It was bad news," She whispered as she slowly woke up. "Very bad news."

"What did they say Girly?" David asked.

"Due to the rough surgeries there's a lot of scar tissue," She whispered. "They were more focused on saving me then anything so there's a lot of bad scar tissue that would be too risky to go in and try to repair. With my prior endometriosis and then the accident and now this I only have a less than 10 percent chance of being able to have children in the future. They pretty much just told me to give up on becoming a mother and that I saved his sperm for no reason. Our dream is gone."

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