Chapter 23

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Janie slammed her front door and locked it. She rushed up to her bedroom and slammed that door as well. She slid down to the ground and wrapped her arms around her knees. She took deep breaths and forced herself to not cry.

Hades laid beside her and she laid down so her head was on him. "I just miss him so much," she whispered into his fur.

After a couple of moments she sat up and wiped her face. She headed over to the trunk at the foot of her bed and sat in front of it on her knees. She took a deep shaky breath and opened it. She forced herself to not burst into tears as she looked down at Oliver's clothes. She ran her fingers over the hoodie that was on top. She picked it up and brought it up to her nose. She inhaled his faint cologne and held it to her chest.

She stood and held it up. She unzipped it, wrapped it around her and heard something fall to the ground. She finished slipping his hoodie on and looked down. Down by her feet was a small key. She picked it up and frowned not realizing what it could go to. She suddenly remembered that there was a safe in his office that she had no idea how to open when she had to go through his stuff. She packed it away thinking she could figure it out later and now she wondered if this was the key to that safe. She pulled it out of her closet and sat it on her bed. She took a deep breath and inserted the key, sure enough it belonged to that safe. She opened it and gasped, there was a small ring box on top of everything. She opened it and smiled a teary smile. There were his and her high school rings. She had thought she had lost them during one of the moves to various bases but there they were. She kissed them and sat them to the side. There were other papers but then there was a CD. She frowned and picked it up. There was nothing written on it.

She headed down to the living room and over to the DVD player. She stuck it in then sat down on the couch and hit play.

Oliver popped up on the screen and she smiled softly as tears ran down her face.

"Hi My Heart," Oliver's voice filled the room. Hades instantly raised his head and looked at the TV. "Hi Hades, my protector. Oh My Love if you are watching this then the worst thing has happened and I am no longer with you. I wish you didn't have to be watching this but if you are then I'm sorry I can no longer be with you. Just know that I love you and miss you and am watching over you always. I told you I would come back and haunt you so no more skipping meals and coffee doesn't count as a meal My Love," she let out a giggle at his smirk. "Oh My Heart, I hate that you are hurting because of me. I wish I didn't have to make this video but at the same time I know you need it because you need the push to keep going on." He sighed and gently shook his head, "Knowing you it's probably been a couple of years since I have been gone and you are just now feeling brave enough to go through my stuff and found the key to the safe, am I right?" She chuckled and wiped her face. "Yep, even when I'm no longer with you I know you better than you know yourself My Heart. That also means you have given up all the things that made you happy, like I bet you are no longer running your bakery business, are you? My Heart, you can't stop what brings you happiness just because I am no longer with you. I want you to still be happy and live your life. I want you to move on and find love again. I have something to admit to you My Heart," he sighed and shook his head, then looked back up into her eyes, "look don't be mad at me, okay? Not that you can really do anything about it but anyway, do you remember that fantasy life you use to talk to me about? You, me, and the guys living on your dream farm once we are done with the military life? Do you remember how you use to tell me living with all of us was the best time of your life and how you felt like that was how you were suppose to be forever? Do you remember how I use to tell you that your heart was so full of love it was extraordinary?" She nodded as she hugged Hades close to her chest. "Well My Heart it's because you were meant to love all of us, not just me. You were meant for the polyamorous life. I know I use to joke that you should marry David, William, Stephen, and Michael as well as me but I meant it as well. We all talked about having one wife at one time but we never found anyone that captured all our hearts and accepted us being together as well until we met you. There was reason why it never bothered you that I was with them while we were overseas and I was away from you. It was because subconsciously your heart belonged to them as well so you never saw it as being disloyal to you because they are just as much yours as I am to you. Why do you think they are still single My Heart? Because they are for you just as much as I am. I was going to tell you that I wanted to bring them into our marriage on our five year anniversary but I guess that didn't happen if you are watching this. I know I should have done it sooner but well we know how selfish I can be at times" He shrugged and smirked, "I just wanted you to myself for a little bit, I guess something in me knew that I wouldn't have you forever as much as I wanted so I got to claim you as mine while I could before I had to leave you to them. You know they treat you like a queen and will protect you with everything in them. If you ever meet the Blackbourne team I could see you with them as well, they are great guys. I met them a couple of times and even though a few of them seem like grumps, I know you could work your magic and get into their hearts. You can be with them My Heart, I want you to be happy. I know the guys love you, you can love them, it's okay, I promise. Please, be happy again, I love you and always will."

There was a creak from the floor and she turned around to see all eighteen men behind her.

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