Chapter 47

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Janie woke up to hearing people talking, oh yeah, that's right, she was being forced to stay at the Blackbourne Mansion under supervision right now. She rolled over and groaned, she just wanted to go back to sleep but everyone was being too loud. She sighed in frustration and got out of bed.

"I'm telling you Jess," Kota sighed as he started to leave the living room. "Now is not a good time." He sighed and pinched his nose, "Fine but just know it's not best for you to stay long."

Janie stood in the doorway and listened.

"What's going on?" Victor asked when he saw Kota hang up his phone.

"Jess was running some errands and has to pee," Kota sighed, "so she's stopping by, but I told her she can't stay. It wouldn't be good right now."

"It shouldn't be a problem," Victor said, "I doubt she will come out of the room for anything."

Just then the door opened and a pregnant woman came in, "Hi love you be right back," She said dropping her keys and phone into Victor's hands then wobbled into the downstairs bathroom.

"Got to love pregnant women," Kota sighed and shook his head while chuckling.

Janie bit her bottom lip and tried to blink back tears. She heard the door open and held her shirt as she took a deep breath. The woman came over and hugged Kota so Janie took a deep shaky breath then started coming down the stairs. The woman looked just like Kota and had a huge smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm Jess, Kota's sister," She waved slightly. "You must be Janie."

"You're pregnant," She said as tears streamed down her face. "How amazingly beautiful."

"That's the most she's said in months," Victor whispered as the rest of the guys came over.

"How many children do you have?" Janie asked as she continued down the stairs.

"Baby, you don't have to do this," North said rushing over to her.

"I have to do this!" She said glaring at him through clenched teeth. "My chances were stolen from me North Taylor! If being an aunt is the closest thing, I get to knowing motherhood, then I need to know." She cleared her throat and turned back to Jessica. "Is it okay if I feel?"

"Of course," Jessica smiled sadly. "Come sit with me, I need to get off my feet for a bit." They went and sat on the couch. Janie hesitantly reached out then pulled her hand back. Jessica smiled and took Janie's hand then placed it on her stomach. "Give it a few and you will feel them."

"Them?" Janie asked and Jessica smiled softly.

"Twins," Jessica nodded. "A boy and a girl."

"Is this your first pregnancy?" Janie asked as a tear slipped free.

"Oh no," Jessica smiled, "My third."

"Can I ask?" Janie asked timidly.

"Oh of course," Jessica beamed. "I am a surrogate for couples that can't have children. I never wanted to be a mother, it just doesn't fill me and I always wanted to help others. I went to go see Sean one time and he was talking to a gay couple that was getting their child through surrogacy and I figured I could try doing something like that. I've helped a gay couple, a lesbian couple, and now I'm helping a trans couple. One was in some sort of car wreck and the other beat cancer."

"How does that work?" Janie asked confused.

"I'm just the bun in the oven," Jessica smiled as she moved Janie's hand to where the babies were moving. "The sperm and eggs are all the couples. I just provide the place for the miracles to grow so they can have the chance to be a family like they always hoped for."

"You are amazing," Janie smiled softly as she looked at Jessica's stomach in awe as she felt the babies move beneath her hand. "What does it feel like?"

"Butterflies," Jessica smiled sadly. "I'm sorry your chance was taken away from you by that asshole," She whispered softly. "You would have been an amazing mother, I know it."

"Thank you," Janie smiled sadly.

"Want me to tell you some bad parts so you know what you are missing?" Jessica asked giggling. Janie nodded and Jessica smiled. "Well, just think you don't have to go through the all day nausea. I swear I don't know why they call it morning sickness, it lasts all freaking day! And oh my, my senses are stronger, I could literally smell Marc cooking before I even got to the front door. Sometimes that isn't good. And I'm literally having to pee every ten minutes it feels like. I seriously have to plan all my stuff around making sure bathrooms are close by. I can never get comfortable especially when I'm trying to go to sleep. And the growing pains are no joke! Charlie horses and ligament pains, I swear I thought the last baby was going to fall out of me! And the delivery is something else, I seriously thought some of my bones were going to break."

"But it's all worth it," Janie smiled, "When you give those families those miracles. I bet their smiles are so worth everything."

"They really are," Jessica nodded. "It makes every bad part of it go away." They sat in silence for a few moments then Jessica whispered, "You know adoption and surrogacy are options since you still have that one chance with your husband's sperm."

"I just can't risk it," Janie shook her head. "I get what you're saying but I just can't risk hoping anymore. I'm just not meant to be a mother."

"Never say that," Jessica shook her head. "The right chance just hasn't been presented that's all. There's a reason that last sperm was saved, believe in that."

"I just can't right now," Janie shook her head, "But thank you for this. If you ever do become a mom I'll be the best aunt it ever has."

"Oh I can definitely believe that," Jessica chuckled. "And it will also have the best guard dog also." She smiled as she petted Hades head. "Maybe one day but I won't hold my breath on it."

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