Did You Enjoy it?

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Y/N's POV:

The ride home with Tanner was silent. Both of us hardly even breathed. I sat there fidgeting with the seat belt. "Did you enjoy it?" Tanner asked. I looked at him in confusion. "Enjoy what?" He sighed. "Y'know. Me fucking you?" I laughed a little bit and he looked at me, utterly confused. "What?!" He asked, getting defensive, which made me laugh even more. I calmed down a whispered, "Yeah, I liked it." I could see him smile from the rear view mirror. "That's great because this isn't our last time." My face felt hot after he said that. When we got to the house, he helped me get out because my legs were still a little messed up, but I could walk for the most part. We walked inside and I sat down on the couch as Tanner took out his phone. I just looked at whatever random show that was on the TV. "So Y/N, who was that guy?" He asked, putting his phone down and giving me a glare. "Oh! He is one of my best friends from High School!" I smiled. "Oh? Well does his name just so happen to be R/B/N (random boy name that you like)?" I looked at him. "Yeah?" I replied in a weird tone. "Well I found his Instagram." Tanner said, showing me his phone. Suddenly a message popped up saying 'Hey Daddy 😍' I looked at Tanner with one of my eyebrows raised. "Daddy? Seriously?" Tanner quickly looked at his phone and smacked his face. "She is one of the girls I met at the mall." He said with embarrassment lacing his voice. "Oh yeah so about the girls. How come you could hang out with multiple of them, but I couldn't hang out with one boy I knew for years?" I asked, kind of annoyed. "Because." He said in a aggravated matter. "That doesn't answer the question." I rolled my eyes as he continued to glare at me. Tanner stood up and walked upstairs. I didn't even look his way.

Tanners POV:

I walked into one of the random rooms and shut the door behind me. Why would she ask that? It isn't like I knew the girls where as she knew the guy. Am I being a hypocrite? No. I can't be. It doesn't make any sense. I continued to look through her friends account. He posts pictures of him without a shirt. Is that why she likes him?! Because he's big and strong?! I stormed down the stairs and shoved the picture in her face. "Is this what you like?! Is that why you like him?!" I said, raising my voice a bit. "Huh? I don't like him?" She replied, tilting her head to the side a little bit. "Yes you do!" I yelled. "No I don't." She replied as she looked back at he screen. I know she likes him. I know. She has to. All of the pretty girls want big men. "I bet his dick is small." I said. After I said it, I realized what in the hell I just said. Y/N starting bursting out into laugher. "What?! It's not funny!" I whined as I sat down on the couch. "You act like such a baby." She said, still laughing. "No I don't." I replied, getting defensive. She continued laughing. I admired her. Even her laugh is pretty. She stopped laughing after a while and looked back at the TV. I stood up and sat right next to her (they were on opposite sides of the couch). She looked at me with on eyebrow raised. "Can we cuddle?" I asked, a bit embarrassed. She smiled. "Of course." Her soft tone made me feel at home as she laid down, both of her legs on either side of me. I knew what she wanted me to do. I put my head at the bottom of her stomach and laid down. She began playing with my hair. For some reason, it felt amazing. Am I touch starved? I could feel myself losing touch with reality. My eyes felt heavy and my body was relaxed. She continued to play with me hair until I drifted off, which I'm pretty sure she still played with it afterwords too.

Y/N's POV:

I looked down at the brown haired man laying between my legs. I smiled seeing him asleep. I continued to play with his hair thought because it was soft. A couple of minutes passed and I was still watching the random show on TV until I heard his phone ring. I tried to ignore it, but it kept in ringing. I didn't want to wake him up or have him be woken up by the sound. I reached for it and successfully grabbed it and Tanner was still asleep. I looked at the contact. It was his father. I looked at Tanner then the phone. "Fuck it." I whispered as I picked up the call. "Tanner! I'm so glad you finally picked up! Your mother is going into heart failure! Please get to the hospital as fast as you can. I can't continue to talk, I need to comfort your mother." Hi dad hung up the phone. I stared into space out of shock but then quickly began shaking Tanner to wake him up. I heard him groan before standing up. "What?" He said in a still tired voice. "Your mom is in the hospital. Your dad just called and said she is going into heart failure." I said, panicking. His eyes shot opened as he quickly stood up and grabbed his phone from my leg. "I will be back. I don't know when but don't go anywhere. I have cameras." He said as he quickly put on his shoes and ran out of the house. I heard his car speed off and everything was quiet. Until I heard a knock at the door about an half a later later. I stood up and slowly walked over to the door. I peeped out the peep hole and saw a girl. I opened the door. "Yes?" I asked, putting my hand on my hip and leaning towards the side. "Uhm who are you?" She asked, getting all up in my face. I grabbed her shoulders and moved her back. "I'm one of Tanner's friends. Why?" I looked down at her. She was so short. "I'm Tanners girlfriend so move out of my way slut." She shoved me to the side. I froze in shock. He had a girlfriend? No way. She began calling out for Tanner. I leaned against the door frame, watching her sassily walk all over the house. "He's not here dumbass." I crossed my arms. "Then where the fuck is he?!" She yelled. "Non of your business." I replied, looking at my nails. I felt a harsh sting on my left cheek. I looked at her. "Yeah I smacked you. What are you gonna-" I didn't let her finished as I grabbed her by the throat. I slammed her against the wall, shutting the front door as I walked. She was making gagging sounds. "L-let me down you c-crazy bitch!" She tried to yell. I let go of her. I watched her body slide down the wall as she hit the ground with a thump. She was catching her breath as Tanner walked in. "Good news my mom-" He stared at me and the girl. "Tanner baby! She hurt me!" She squeaked as she got up and ran to Tanner. He continued to stare at me in shock. "Well maybe you shouldn't smack me you fucking bitch." I yelled as I looked at Tanner. "I never did that!" She yelled back. I rolled my eyes at her. "So 'Tanner baby'" I mocked. "When were you going to tell me you had a literal girlfriend?!" I yelled. "She's not my girlfriend." He said, shaking his head. "I'm not?! Remember the time we fucked?! You literally came inside of me!" She yelled, facing Tanner. "That doesn't mean we are dating. It was a one night stand." Tanner replied in a dark voice. He looked down at her with anger in his eyes. I looked at him and the girl multiple times. The girl stomped her feet before leaving and slamming the door behind her. Tanner let out a brief sigh before facing me again. "She is crazy. Don't believe things she says." Tanner said walking over to the couch. "Mhm sure." I said as I rolled my eyes. "What?! You think I'm dating her?!" He said as he whipped his head around to me. "Honestly, yeah." I shrugged. "Do you want me to prove I only love you?" He said, his voice darkening. "Sure." I said, matching his tone.


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