Can I Keep Her?

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Y/N grabbed her phone, looking at it. She saw a couple missed calls from Luna. Y/N called Luna, hearing it ring 3 times before Luna picked up.
"Y/N are you alright?! Tanner is back on the loose!" Luna said, clearly freaking out.
"Yes Luna, I am fine." Y/N said as she was looking at her finger nails in boredom.
"Phew that's great. Have you checked your cameras at all this week?" Luna said, her voice lowering as she calmed herself down.
"Honestly, no." Y/N answered in an uninterested voice.
"What the hell?!" Luna yelled over the phone.
"I'll check them now. Bye Luna." Y/N said as she hung up on Luna. She rolled her eyes, standing up slowly and walking to her desk. Y/N turned on her computer and put in her password. She clicked a few times and finally got to her camera. She looked through the history of the things the camera has caught. She saw nothing besides her walking in and out of her house. But, there was one with a flash of white after she walked inside her house. She quickly messed with the video, slowing it down and turning the quality up. She saw him. Tanner Grayton. She panicked as she clicked off and stood up. Y/N began running around her house locking everything. Breathing a sigh of relief, she sat down on her bed. She felt her eyes get heavy. She got comfortable and almost instantly, fell asleep.
(The next day)
Y/N woke up to the bright sun in her eyes. She felt as though she was being watched, strangely. She looked around and saw nothing.

Tanners POV:
"So you want me to take out her?" I said, pointing at one of the hottest people I've ever seen in my life.
"Yes. Her name is Y/N L/N." Adam said as he rubbed his temples, probably annoyed that I was still in his office and not jerking off or something.
"But why her?" I asked, still confused how she had anything to do with Luna.
"Because I fucking said so you dumb ass lucky charm bitch. Get the hell out." Adam said, slamming his fist down on his table.
I threw up my hands, showing him that I'm leaving. I turned to the door and left. I sighed as I looked at Y/N's address again.
"Why couldn't Dmitri take her out." I groaned as I got in my car. I turned it on and began driving to the address. I checked the time and saw that it was 5:47 PM.
"God dammit." I whined as I slammed my head on the wheel. I decided to just go home and try tonight to get her. I drove to my house and got out, walking inside the house. I opened the door and slammed it. Walking over to my couch, I took out the picture and admired the girl. I started feeling my pant tighten.

Y/N's POV:
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I yelled, still pissed off that Tanner even wanted to try me. I noticed that it was getting dark already. I sighed as I checked the cameras and locks one more time before I went to my bedroom, sitting on my bed. I took out my phone. It read 12:30 AM. I put my phone back on the charger, laying down on my bed. I was trying to reassure myself by saying that I'll be okay and nothing going to happen. I eventually felt okay and fell asleep.

Tanner's POV:
I finally got to Y/N's house. I noticed all her lights were off, but I also noticed her cameras. I've been here before, but that was because I was following her. I took out my needle, making sure it was the right one. I flicked the tip before getting out and sneaking around her house. I passed by one of her windows, seeing her sleeping peacefully. I admired her a little bit before continuing to find a place to get into her house. I found a place where there were no cameras, but a window.
"Yes!" I whispered to myself as I went to open it. It was locked, but that was no problem. I already knew that Y/N was a heavy sleeper because I snuck inside her house before. I just decided to break the lock. It was pretty easy. I quietly got inside and snuck to her room. I quietly opened the door to her room. I heard her little snores get louder as I got closer. I was above her and quickly stabbed her with my needle.

(The next day)

Y/N's POV:
I woke up in pure darkness. My eyes were still foggy from just waking up. I yawned and my body came back into reality. I felt a tightness on my waist and wrists. Suddenly a light came on. My eyes began burning, not adjusted to the brightness. After a couple seconds I got used to it and looked up. Tanner.
"What the fuck?!" I yelled, trying to move around.
"Looks like you are awake! Great." Tanner said, coming closer to me.
"Stay away from me you fucking bastard!" I yelled. He continued walking to me, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him. He bent down to my height.
"Listen, I don't know why I had to kidnap you, but I had to." He said, staring into my eyes. I noticed all of his features. Pretty good looking for a murderer and kidnapper. Suddenly another person walked in the room.
"Let go of her, I need to ask her some questions." The man said to Tanner. Tanner let go of my face and walked away. The man sat down on the chair directly across from me.
"Now Y/N, I only have a few questions." He said, putting papers down in front of him.
"Whatever." I replied, looking away.
"I know that you are looking for the Blueblood killer and I also know that you know who Luna is. And legend has it that you two are friends." The man said, looking up at me with a cold stare.
"Yeah? So what?" I said, looking back at him with the same stare.
"Does Luna have any weaknesses?" He asked looking at his papers then me.
"That's non of your damn concern." I replied in a cold voice. He let out a groan.
"Get Dmitri." He said to Tanner.
"Do we have to?" Tanner replied in a whine.
"Yes dammit!" The man yelled, making Tanner rush out the door.
"Who is Dmitri?" I asked.
"You will see." The man replied as Tanner came in the room with a massive bald man. The man began speaking Russian. Clearly no one understood him, so he got no answers. But the man pointed at me and the Dmitri guy seemed to understand. He began walking close to me and grabbed my throat.
"Now. Will you answer me?" The guy said with a cold stare.
"I-I kinda can't-" I said, my voice strangled.
"Oh right." The guy said and symboled for Dmitri to put me down I'm guessing because he let go of me.
"Answer me now." The guy said, putting his hands on the table.
"I honestly don't know. I'm not that close to her." I replied, moving me head around trying to make my neck feel better.
"Are you being for real right now?!" The guy said as he came closer to me.
"Yeah. We only know a little about each other because we are partners on the case." I replied in a monotone voice.
"Well then this was fucking useless!" The guy yelled, kicking a chair. I rolled my eyes at his kid like behavior.
"Can I keep her..?" Tanner asked. I looked at him like he was insane.
"I don't fucking care!" The guy yelled as he left the room with Dmitri and slammed the door. Tanner smirked as he came closer to me. It was kind of hot.
"Well... Let's get to know each other." Tanner said, leaning on the table infront of me.
"Why would I tell a literal fucking psychopath anything about me?!" I asked, my voice a little raised.
"Because we are going to be together." He replied with a shrug.
"What?!" I yelled.
"Yeah. So you better tell me everything." He said, looking down at me.
"How about you go first you psycho?" I said looking back him.
"Hm fine okay. I'm 27. I'm not an actual doctor. And that is kind of it." He said, getting closer to me.
"I have nothing interesting about me." I replied.
"Well I'll find out everything during our relationship." He said, untying the ropes around my waist and wrists. He quickly grabbed me before I could do anything. I watched him take out a needle. 'Shit' was my last thought before he stabbed me with it and I fell asleep.


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