Officially together

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due to soooo many people (one person) wanting me to update this trashy story, i've decided to try and update it. i do NOT feel like rereading all of those words to see where i last left off or how the story was going, but i have a general understanding. if y'all find anything fishy about it, please inform me as i'm about the laziest person in existence 😞

*Y/N's POV*
I woke up in Tanners arms. His thin but slightly muscular arms wrapped around my back, his calluses brushing against my shoulder blades. "Looks who's up." Tanner laughed and looked me in my eyes. I felt my face get slightly hot, Tanners graze piercing, but in the best way possible. The nice velvety sheets beneath my naked body. I smile at Tanner, lost in his eyes before i realize how dirty we are. "Tanner, my gosh. We are so disgusting right now." I sternly look at him, getting up as he rolls his eyes and laughs at me. I roll my eyes in return and waddle to the bathroom connected to the room we were in. It was nice. The bathroom was spotless and bland, the tub was a strange greenish color. 'How weird,' I thought as I turned the water on, letting it run for a while before finding the perfect temperature for my skin. I get into the shower, feeling the nice warm water hit my skin as i close my eyes and look up. 'Finally, a proper shower.' I think as i realize there's already bath supplies for women in there. I roll my eyes, knowing this was probably the room he used for all of his past woman. Well i would sure hope they are in the past. My thoughts were interrupted as i hear the door creak open, seeing Tanners silhouette through the glass as he mumbles to himself. "Tanner?" I called out as he approached the sink. "Relax, cutie. I'm just brushing my teeth." He chuckled as i heard him run the water and begin brushing his teeth. I ignored him as I wash my hair, making sure to get a good scrub. Tanner slightly opens the glass door and i freeze, getting ready to hit him which he noticed, but instead of getting in, he just hands me a rag to use. "Thanks," I say warmly, grabbing the rag and pouring soap onto it, washing my body. After a few minutes, i was out of the shower and drying myself off. Rubbing the towel over my body and attempting to for the majority, dry my hair off with it. I walk to the sink and notice my dry face. Disappointed as i worked so hard for clear skin. I sigh and use soap and water to clean my face since there was nothing else. I do the things i need to do and walk out, seeing Tanner relaxing on the chair in the room, reading a book with glasses on. I snicker, "Glasses? I'm surprised." He looks up at me and smiles, standing up and walking over to me, slowly putting his arm around my bare waist. "You into them?" He whispered into my ear. Shivers ran down my spine, but i knew i needed to stop this. I put my hand against his chest and lean into his ear, "Not now." I smile and walk to his dresser, looking through it. I found some pair of tight boxers and put them on, along with a shirt of his, some band shirt. The band was Sevendust, whatever that is. I use his deodorant along with his cologne and walk downstairs, him following me like a puppy as though this wasn't his house or something. "Can we go to Target or something?" I ask as i turn around to him, sliding on the slides i bought when we last went shopping. He nodded eagerly, knowing he has me right where he wants me. Comfortable, with him. I smile and he quickly gets changed and comes downstairs, putting sneakers on before taking my hand and leading me to his car. He was very excited for just going to a Target. I laugh at his antics as we begin driving. He was going a bit above the speed limit while blasting random rock and metal songs. They were quite good to say the least. I used Siri to find out the name of one of them, The Spell of Mathematics by Deftones. We arrive and we both quickly go inside, i find the face wash, moisturizer, and cleanser i used to use and he pays for my stuff, which i tried to object but he refused to take no for an answer, how gentlemanly. We got back into the car, but we weren't going home. He decided to drive to some fancy restaurant without my knowledge. "Why are we here?" I look down at my outfit, not too fancy if i do say so myself. He chuckles and gets out of the car, rushing around to open my side. He opens the door and takes my hand with a smile. I roll my eyes and laugh at his attempt to be cool, but i still take his hand as he leads me into the restaurant.

*No-one's POV*
Y/N and Tanner walk into the restaurant, hand in hand. They got plenty of weird looks from the rich people already there, ignoring it as they were brought to a table by a waitress. They ordered what they wanted, people whispering about them and their choice in each other and Y/N's choice of outfit. They thought Tanner was too good for Y/N, not that either of them cared at they were in their own little word. Flirting and kicking eachother playfully as the enjoy their fancy meals.

*Tanners POV*
I don't care what she was wearing. She was so beautiful with the darkened light flashing over her skin, making her almost seem angelic. She was perfect. Everyone's whispers just made me more confident in her, seeing as she wasn't the least bit bothered, only focused on me. Seeing her laugh and smile at me as she played around with me truly made me see how much i actually loved her. I wasn't kidding when i was getting sappy before, she's just so perfect. Wearing my clothes, a band that she didn't even know. It was silly, but it was so her. I haven't known her for a while, but i know she is the one. "Y/N..." I whisper, getting serious, which catches her off guard. "Will you be mine, like officially? My girlfriend?" Blush spreads over my cheeks, embarrassed as she stares at me like what I said was stupid. She laughed,"You don't even have to ask, you dummy." I look at her in shock, not knowing if she meant we WERE dating or werent. "S-so...?" I trailed off, trying to get an answer out of her. She rolls her eyes,"YES. I will be yours, Tanner." I smile widely at her, knowing I will not regret this, and hoping she wouldn't either.

1,192 words and it's all nonsense is crazy. Listen, i have a perfectly logical excuse for how stupid this entire chapter is and it's the fact that i haven't been writing or anything like that, besides roleplaying with chai and bots (embarrassingly) so please don't mind how awful this is. i honestly just wanted to get something out because i feel bad for not updating for over a year (i think). i also do not feel like rereading this cause i'm tired, so if there is any grammar or spelling mistakes, my fault. and i'm sorry about how bad and random this is, i'll get better eventually (probably not). goodbye for now 🫶🏻!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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