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Soul didn't like his parent's very much, and so when they asked him to do something he sure as hell never wanted to do it. But he didn't really have a choice this time. On the way to the one place Soul very much did not want to go he dreaded what was to happen. What if the small emerald-eyed girl he was partnered with changed his mind?

This really wasn't his thing.

His parents could make him play the piano till his fingers bled, they could force him to a party of small talk and cocktails and all that he despised but this was too far.

"Come on, Soul," his older brother said lightly as he drove them to the studio. "I had to do this when I was fifteen too and I really liked it!"

"That's 'cause you want to be like Mum and Dad, Miss-Priss," Soul grumbled as he glared out the window of the car angrily. Wes just sighed.

"No one said I wanted to be like Mum and Dad," Wes disagreed lightly as he made a turn towards their destination. "I was just more obedient then you."


"Shut up."

As Wes finally parked Soul didn't attempt to stifle his groan and banged his head on the head rest a few times due to this unfortunate situation.

"I don't wanna be here," he moaned in between each thump of his head. Wes just laughed again and opened the door to get out, Soul reluctantly following suite.

He buried his hands deeply in his sweat pockets as he made his way to the extravagant looking building warily. He pulled slightly at the collar of his baggy t-shirt as they came closer and Wes thumped his arm lightly, shaking his head but Soul could see amusement in his eyes.

"You're enjoying this far too much for my liking, brother," Soul growled quietly as they made their way into the building. Wes just shook his head.

"I think you'll like this," he admitted, going on before Soul could protest. "I know you're a head-strong idiot and don't like being told what to do but, Soul you already know how to dance!" Soul groaned and hung his head back as Wes went on. "This is one of the best dance schools in all of New York and you're most likely going to be better than any student here, unlike me," he grumbled at the end, earning a chuckle from Soul.

"Dancing was the only think I ever surpassed you in," Soul laughed gruffly as Wes rolled his eyes.

"Dancing never was my best traits but it's definitely one of yours," Wes shook his head again. "I've got two left feet and yet you can do all this shit without any guidance. It's annoying,"

"Then you know what it's like being in your shadow," Soul countered with a grin and Wes frowned angrily, shoving his arm.

"You do not live in my shadow," he argued. "Mum and Dad are just a little pushy since you're so..." he eyed him in exasperation making Soul stifle a laugh.


"Rebellious?" Soul laughed making Wes huff.

"Disobedient?" Wes tried again, earning a nod from Soul as he wiped a fake tear from his eye from laughing.

"That's more accurate, I think," he was going to say more as kids in tight dance ware and snobby looking instructors made their way towards them. Wesvsmiled at the instructor, who met his gaze in shock.

"Wesley?" she asked and he laughed, shaking her hand in greeting.

"Hello again, Miss Crowley," Wes grinned before gesturing at Soul. "I'm here for my younger brother, he'll be trying out your class."

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