Moving In

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Chrona and Ragnarok move in with Maka and Soul. Chrona is obviously reluctant and Ragnarok is as rude as ever. This seems to spark something between Maka and Soul as they watch each other help the socially awkward weapon. How will Chrona react to Blair, or how will Blair react to Chrona?

Soul grumbled under his breath as Maka attempted to draw Chrona into their apartment.

"Come on, Chrona," Maka said for the umpteenth time in the voice one would use to talk to a baby. Chrona just pulled away from her before shaking his head rapidly.

"N-no, don't wanna," he cried. "I don't know how to d-deal with t-this."

"You don't know how to deal with what, Chrona?" Maka asked with patience Soul wasn't even aware she had.

"Entering other p-people's a-apartments!" he exclaimed as if they were missing something oh so obvious. "I don't understand w-where we are. Can't deal with this." Maka released an exasperated sigh.

Soul growled under his breathe. He just wanted to get into his goddamn apartment and go to sleep.

"Okay, here we go," he said suddenly, grabbing Chrona's shoulders and pushing him through the open door. He ignored Maka's scolding as he gave her the same treatment before slamming the door behind him and shrugging off his jacket.

"Soul!" Maka yelled, hitting him upside the head. "You could have scared the life out of him!"

"But I didn't," He reasoned, rubbing the back of his head and looking to the shaking boy. He looked up just in time to see a figure emerge from the pick haired boy's spine before looking over the room and whacking Chrona on the shoulder.

"Better than the damn hole we lived in!" Ragnarok laughed in his shrilly voice, hitting Chrona somewhat aggressively on the shoulder again. "Not bad you moron."

"Er, well," Soul drawled, gaining the annoying creatures attention. "This is actually our apartment," he said, gesturing in between himself and Maka as he cast her a look as if he was telling her this too. "And so that means you can't piss me off since this is my house and I can force you out as easy as I forced you in."

"Soul," Maka warned, casting his a look. The said boy groaned.

"I just don't know how you made our place into a shelter service without my consult," he muttered as he walked towards the fridge. Maka just ignored him as she walked over to Chrona and Ragnarok.

"So?" she said, smiling gently at the pink haired boy. "Do you think you could live here? You'd have your own room and Soul and I would be here for you the whole time."

"Do I not get a say in this matter?" Soul called from the kitchen, making Chrona jump and Maka sigh.

"No," she shouted back simply over her shoulder before turning to Chrona and Ragnarok again. "Well?"

Chrona bit his lip before opening his mouth to respond but the bully on his back beat him to it.

"Yeah, yeah, this'll do just fine, Blondie." He snapped. "Just stay the hell outta my way and don't piss me off, kay?"

"Yeah, this was a swell idea," Soul muttered sarcastically to Maka as he entered back into the room to lean on the doorframe, watching the scene unfold.

Maka glared at the weapon on the pink haired boy's back. "Same applies to you." She growled and supressed a shriek of annoyance as all the weapon did was laugh at her. She cast her gaze back to Chrona who was still biting his lip nervously.

"What about you Chrona?" she asked again, the boys eyes flickered between Soul and Maka before he offered a reply.

"I l-like it," he muttered. "But I don't know how to d-deal with it."

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