Chapter 4

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I have no words for myself, enjoy ig- Author 

"Wow Eiji! I didn't know you had it in you!" 

I play around with my drink and glance at Eiji. 

"What?" The older boy responds. 

"Ash never lets anybody touch his gun." Skip exclaims.  

I widen my eyes and choke on my drink. Skip ignores me dying in the background, and Eiji just looks at me concerned, before paying attention to Skip again.

Shit, a gun, thats right, I need a gun, but where am I going to get one from?

"A drunk guy tried to touch his gun on time and got his fingers blown off!" He continues, with dramatic hand motions for flare. 

"And now you tell me?!" 

"Look on the bright side!" Skip puts his arms up happily, "Ash seems to like you!" 

"Oh you have no idea." I mutter as I take a sip of my coke.

Eiji turns to me, "Huh?"

I raise a brow, "Hm? Nothing~" I grin, I sit up straight (AS IF-) and raise my glass, "Cheers to Eiji's courage!" 

"And fingers!" Skip raises his glass too and smiles. 

Eiji looks away in embarrassment ans takes a sip, only to spit it back out.

"This is alcohol!" He shouts. 

"Its just rum coke..." Skip replies.

"Yeah, obviously." I roll my eyes and try to act tough, but in reality its my first time trying this shit too. Well, was, I tried it a little earlier, but I'm still not used to the taste. I only further prove my point as I take another sip and make a bit of a face. 

"I hears hes a sharp shooter." Eiji says after a while. 

"Hes more than sharp, he uses a Smith and Wesson 357 Magnum" Skip points his finger like a gun, " The barrel is cut short too! Hes never missed a target 25 yards away!" 

"Ash Lynx huh..." Eiji drops his head drowsily. 

I only nod and look at Ash.

I have to keep Skip safe, but how? I turn towards the small boy, still happily ranting away about Ash. 

"Hey Skip, do you have a gun?" I ask, trying to make it seem normal, as normal as that gets anyways. Ibe comes over to the table, and starts talking with Eiji. As they talk a get an empty feeling in my stomach. 

No, not yet, please god no. I stand up and look around, Maybe i'm wrong.

But before i can even compute whats going on, the doors break open, and my blood goes cold. 

Guess its my time to shine.

Y/N in Banana FishWhere stories live. Discover now